Episode #024 – No Farting On My Podcast

So, you know how for every episode I write a thing here where I joke about how bad the episode is? Well, this time, it’s that, minus the usual show preparation. You know, the outline planning, the News of the Stupid joke writing, all the stuff that makes our show tolerable? All of that went bye-bye this week, because I am too busy preparing for my wedding which is in 4 days. Speaking of which, the comedy music tracks we play on this week’s show which are by Digital Underground, Brak, Adam Sandler, and Worm Quartet are 4 songs that I’d like to play at the wedding ceremony or reception, but would be deemed inappropriate by anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Our good friend Ken “Madman” Sherlock joined us for this Skyped episode, with occasional cameos by Carrie’s flatulent husband Josh, and my soon-to-be-wife, the very lovely smelling Sara. The good news, at 1 hour and 23 minutes, it’s one of our shortest episodes ever. Thank God for small miracles.

Episode length: 1:23:19

4 thoughts on Episode #024 – No Farting On My Podcast

  1. Hearing Luke’s mix-tape reminded me of a thing I used to do for years, taping songs off the radio onto a series of tapes that started out as Colorado Radio but was changed for reasons I can’t remember to Radio Rules. I made it to 112 or 113 tapes before I stopped, thanks almost entirely to Napster (pre-pay service) and Kazza. That’s not including the mutliple Best Of… and Theme tapes such as all live tracks, all songs from movies, etc. as well as tapes of the then Frosty, Jamie, and Frank radio show from when they were in Denver. To this day, even though I gave away all but the “best of”s and theme tapes to my cousin Becky when I moved to this apartment in 2007, I still remember the first song I taped for the first tape; Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears For Fears.

    Unlike Luke though I never had a consistent numbering system, going back and forth between Roman, spelled out numbers, and numeric symbols whenever the whim took me.

    Funnily enough, I discovered Luke while making one these tapes. I was taping some songs off the Dr. Demento show back when KBCO still aired it, and I heard this at the time brand new song called Use The Force. I’ve been a fan ever since. I think that might actually be on one of the Best Of tapes that I still have as well as Fanboy and You Might Be A Trekkie.

    Just to give an idea of how obsessive I got about the whole thing, I* at one point has a binder with a complete list of each song and artist (when I had an artist or song name that is; DJs didn’t always tell you, and all the lyrics search websites sucked back then) on college ruled paper, and slipped into the front and back covers of said binder were piece of construction paper with album cover stamps for the various albums the songs came from all over them. For those who may not remember, my Dad used to get these things in the mail every quarter or so, sort of like a Columbia House thing where you would choose you CDs by taking the stamp with a teeny tiny thumbnail of the cover art and a code, lick it like a regular stamp, and put it on the form. My Dad would let me have those sheets of stamps after he was done, and that was what I did with them when I started keeping the binder. Another thing I did with Radio Rules that I’m totally embarrased to admit is that shortly after I made the 100th tape of full music, I then made another side series of tapes with, you guessed it, the Top 100 songs of Radio Rules. It was a sickness, I see that now. I’d just about forgotten all of that (except the Tears For Fears part) until I heard Luke’s story on episode #24.

  2. Glad to see you guys mentioned Garfunkle and Oates. I love them and you should play them on podcast since your goal is to spotlight women who do funny music. I would suggest “Pregnant Women are Smug” or “Me You and Steve” but I guess that will have to wait until next time since we all know that “Comments go at the end of the show.” Enjoyed the many plugs for Archon recently and can’t wait to see Luke again there. Last year’s hour long encore show was epic. Carrie please come back soon too! We miss you!

  3. I didn’t do too many recorded music tapes as a kid, but I did have one recorded tape that I listened too all the time. My sister and I put a tape recorder next to the TV speaker and recorded the whole audio of Princess Bride. I listened to that in my car so much that I can still quote a good portion of the movie.

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