Episode #026 – Carrie Sobs Incessantly While Luke Giggles

Welcome to our Bad Rapport 1st Anniversary Episode in which we don’t mention the fact that it’s our first anniversary anywhere at all. It’s just another episode that is longer than it should be. At least we are back to our more-prepared ways, with News of the Stupid in full effect. We spend most of the episode recapping our weekend at Con on the Cob, which has a comedy music track chock full of fun and awesome acts. We play songs by Shisho, Palette-Swap Ninja, Flat 29, and the first and last song by 5-person supergroup Carrie’s BaldSki PowerBox. Also, Luke discusses his newest fanboy shrine, and Carrie pets kitty cats. Yep, back to normal for us.

(Note: Carrie is not in this picture because she was the one taking the picture. And no, there aren’t any veggies on my plate. Bad Luke.)

Episode Length: 2:15:32

8 thoughts on Episode #026 – Carrie Sobs Incessantly While Luke Giggles

  1. I like the free songs, but why not do like devo then. 2 songs once per month. 1 being your pic, & the other the most requested.

  2. yes this is long. sorry

    Rocky: Yes, both me and moonbeam have very large hard throbbing hardons for rocky. I completely understand why luke got sick of rocky. Luke is a performer and hates stealing others jokes. Rocky is not a performance and more of a ritual. for me, rocky is kind of like going to church, but in the good way. you get a cool community, you have a bunch of group chants, you get a perverted sermon from the minister, and you welcome the new comers into the fold by plunging them into the water of decidance. I can also understand the ppl who get to see rocky all the time can become sick of it. I’ve NEVER gotten the chance to see Rocky enough to get sick of it. We only ever had one full time cast in michigan since I started into rocky and it ended after only just a year. I was always envious of the ppl who could memorize all the lines and hit the timing marks. Only in the last 4 years or so have i seen it enough to start memorizing it enough to do that. I can see a day when it starts losing it’s fun, but for now, I get to be the performer entertaining all the newbies. It’s the closest i can get to doing the things luke does all the time.

    As for Carrie, when you 1st started coming on the irc channel, your name was Pixeline@rhps. That’s what i would see when you would come in. so for me, your very name was linked to rocky. So for you to go quickly from loving rocky so much it was in your name to not liking it any more just made me think, well will she do the same thing with Dementia and leave us quickly too? Cause we like you and don’t want you going any where.

    so i’m glad you both had fun at the rocky dementia style. there are a LOT of rocky fans in the dementia group and we have often talked about doing an all dementia rocky cast. so this was something a large part of the group could really have fun with.

    luke’s show: yes i found my self the whole time watching the videos and not you. you have to decided if that’s what you want or not. what devo spice does with his videos is use it as extra jokes. when he’s rapping, there’s just a looped video, like the retired rapper on a wheel chair going down the hallway. only when he had down time in his song does something funny happen on the screen. your songs and your videos are PACKED full of jokes. so you really don’t need the video’s like he does.

    Carrie’s show: your songs are mostly not high energy. you did a great set and we enjoyed it. but we knew the jokes and we were just kind of chilling and enjoying the music. there really wasn’t anything TO react too. the only song of yours i can think of with audience participation you did on the main stage(sleep walking zombies). Maybe come with with some more songs with audience participation if you want the hard cores to have something to react too.

    all request thingy: me and m&m were trying to think of songs for all the performers who hadn’t done songs yet, but ppl kept yelling out shoebox songs. next time it needs to be round robin. not that we didn’t want carrie songs, just there wasn’t time to get to you.

    your show: i find it far more annoying and distracting when you guys start in with “the shows running to long we have to hurry up” then the length of the show. maybe just do what every show you plan with out the consent “hurry up rush rush rush” and then break it into 2 parts.

    Saving time: to save time, you should just get me and ian to talk about flat29 for a show some day.

  3. Hey guys,
    Thanks for playing the song!
    You mentioned about how carries tweets inspired it:
    So as you know we write a lot of songs to tight deadlines, which is good for me as without deadlines i never get anything done as i am a terrible perfectionist. Given no time limits i will work on a song for months and months before I am in any way happy with it, and songs often go through lots of different revisions. Now we’re doing the podcast and giving ourselves deadlines that whole process is condensed down into two weeks.. So often i will start a song, get a certain way into it, then think “hang on, this isnt working” and start again from scratch
    For the orchestra song, I actually had a kind of ballad type song half done about a romance across the orchestra pit (its quite nice in places, i may use the music for something else), but then had a crisis of confidence, and abandoned it as not good enough. So i talked to my girlfriend and to Rich but couldnt settle on an idea, so posted on twitter for some help.
    A lot of ideas came in, including carries idea for making an orchestra more cool and relevant for kids, and that gave me the general idea of running through the actual 4 sections of the orchestra via the medium of rap (which the kids love) and try and make each of the sections sound totally bad ass, but as i was going along i got a little bored so threw in a synthesizer and gameboy section.. and by the end it kind of lost the “explaining it to kids” element and just became a general silly guide to how I want the orchestra to be! (there was a sketch at the start of me saying “kids wanna join the orchestra? its great! heres why…. etc.”)

    So anyway, hope thats in some way interesting! 🙂
    Glad you guys like the song, and thanks for the help carrie!


    PS. Minor point – do you use some sort of leveling software over your podcast? The compression on the track was going kind of insane! As an audio nerd I am legally bound to point these things out…

  4. I can see why some complain about long podcasts. If I have to stop in a long podcast for some reason, and want to go back to it later on – I sometimes have to hunt and peck to find the spot where I left off. In a two hour long show like L&CBR or Nerdist that can be a PITA. How about a compromise, break the podcast up into three or four chapters. Immediately after you play a song, start a new file. You don’t even have to mention it when you’re starting a new file – that way it plays through as one episode for those of us who like long ones, but are more digestible for those of us who have short commutes 🙂

    Luke contemplating getting drunk… so many alcoholic beverages are an acquired taste. If you really want to experience it, I recommend classic screwdrivers (vodka and orange-juice) or a simple vodka and 7-up. Use good vodka – not the cheep stuff, and certainly nothing made in a pot-still. Your head (and liver) will thank you for it later. I’ll warn you though, there can be some unpleasant things about getting drunk…. ask a glass of water.

    The free MP3 of the week I still monitor it for songs that I haven’t heard yet – mostly older ones that aren’t on your more recent CDs. When I was first introduced to your music it was one of my primary methods of checking out your work, combined with YouTube videos. I think you need to keep something on your main website to give new and potential listeners a taste. Perhaps Hard-To-Save MP3s like the FuMP archives. Yes, I know there’s a link to the FuMP on the left hand side of the page, but if I if they don’t have to leave your website, they’ll be more likely to listen. Once you’ve hooked them on your music, you can then hook them on the FuMP as well.

    I hope I haven’t touched a nerve with Charlie and Flat-29 (hey look, you’re forced to mention them yet again). Yes, Charlie, it was an early episode that I had listened too, along with most/all of the music at the time.

    I have had to develop a personal rule about not adding any more podcasts to my queue without removing one, at least until I’m all caught up. I’m still at least 47 hours behind in my podcasts. Luke may have Too Much Stuff; but Sean has Too Many ‘Casts. Flat-29 wasn’t disliked… just not liked enough.

    However, to be fair I’ve just downloaded Flat-29’s TTTMASH:TM and added it to my queue. I don’t promise it will get listened to this week, but I will listen to it.

    Great, now I’m up to 48 hours. I suppose it’s the LEAST I can do for Flat-29; after all, we share the same monarch on our money.

    By the way, someone needs to write a song about Flat-29 to the tune of Chattanooga Chu Chu. “Flat 29” is an obvious substitution for the line “Track 29”. Every time I hear them mentioned I start humming the tune. Maybe someone in the dementia community will take up the challenge.

  5. Oh man, I can’t beleive I forgot about this, but all the COn talk in this episode reminds me of my own Luke Ski con story, or to put it correctly, my ALMOST Luke Ski Con story. I was at the San Diego ComicCon on 2006, at the panel for the release of Season 1 of The Boondocks on DVD. It was a ghreat panel, Arron MacGruder and the cast of the show were up there, it was fun. I had no internet at the Hotle I was staying at, so I didn’t have a way to check any of the Blogs I subscribed to until I got home to Denver, and wouldn’t you know it, Luke had a Blog post about experiences the very same panel. Just my luck huh? My most favorite Dementia artist- most favoriet Dementia artist after Weird Al- most favorite Dementia artist after Weird Al and Stan Freberg- One among my many favorite Dementia artists was in the same frakking room as me and I didn’t even notice. Not that I would’ve done more than say “Hello” and “I’m a fan,” before going to my next panel, but still.

  6. I had fun a Con on the Cob. I tried my darnedest working the door to get people in the the room where the performers were. Also putting up flyers. Did the same at the Dementia Radio party, but with better results, IMO. Best part of the con I enjoyed Friday night was me, Luke and Alchav screaming in the mic at Laundromat of Sin. Carrie I enjoyed the show and love your music. See you guys at Marscon.

  7. a new discussion on Luke and carrie talk cartoons: which if any of the 80’s cartoons would you go see in theaters if they remade it into either cga or live-action? also, your opinion on the return to cga for the new disney Tangled movie and the release of a tron sequal after nearly 30 years. great show y’all and BACON for the great luke-sky spelled s k i. sorry had to do it once. and sarah, remember to brand him incase he gets lost at a con again. =-P

  8. I enjoy CoTC as it is a more intimate venue for performers and ShoEboX did a great job of putting it together.

    As Luke stated, it is difficult to impress a crowd that already knows the material. I did enjoy Carrie’s show but was not feeling well from the hotel buffet.

    I did appreciate being on the DR panel but as I usually do, think of what to say after it was over.

    FTI: The best beverage that ever got me drunk is Sara’s punch. On the picture of me on my site that is what is in the cup I am holding.

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