Episode #028 – Pump Out A Unit

George Carlin referred to the act of child birth as “pumping out a unit”.

In that spirit, we’ve cranked out another episode so short that its content goes little beyond Luke & Carrie telling you all what they’ve been up to over the past 2 weeks (nerdcore shows, WindyCon, positive credit checks, etcetera).

Also in that spirit of womanhood, all 4 songs this week are by female artists, Judy Tenuta, Garfunkel & Oates, Molly Lewis, & Julie Brown. So, you know, girl power, and all that.

Pictured left: Carrie with Dan Savage of “Savage Love”

Episode length: 1:24:03

1 thought on Episode #028 – Pump Out A Unit

  1. Luke and Carrie thank you for the tunes by the female comedy musicians and that dementia isn’t full of dorky white guys.

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