Episode #036 – Shut Up, Ian: The MarsCon 2011 Retrospective

What do you want to spend the next 2 and a half hours of your life doing?

Do you want to spend it listening to this episode of Bad Rapport, our longest to date, where we spend almost all of the time recapping the events of MarsCon 2011’s Dementia Track? (Also featuring tracks by the great Luke Ski, Worm Quartet, DJ Particle, Mitch Benn, and Power Salad.)

Or, do you want to spend it listening to the brand newΒ  “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport: Best Of 2010” collection? It’s available in 2-CD format for $14 plus shipping, or in downloadable MP3 format for $9.99, both of which can be purchased from the store at thegreatLukeSki.com.

It’s your choice: relive the best annual weekend in comedy music, or relive the first 15 months of this more-than-tolerable podcast?

Come to think of it, there’s really no reason you couldn’t do both…

…Yeah, do both.

Better yet, donate money to support Kenzie.

Episode length: 2:32:11

Picture by Baron Dave Romm, thanks to Andre Tessier for suggesting the Mitch Benn song.

11 thoughts on Episode #036 – Shut Up, Ian: The MarsCon 2011 Retrospective

  1. Dang, you guys would have to put that Best Of CD out while I’m still unemployed wouldn’t you? πŸ˜‰

  2. Wow, Carrie sure likes to beat people up, doesn’t she?
    But she mentioned the Villainous Verse on The FuMP Sideshow, so it’s OK by me:).

  3. Now you know what I go through every year when I compile clips for the annual “Revenge” anniversary show πŸ˜‰

  4. This was definitely the smoothest that the music track ran that I remember. God may hate comedy musicians, but the musicians are learning how to get around the problems. Excellent job, Luke, especially since you got some down time during the con. Carrie’s Plants vs Zombies performance was a highlight of Sunday.

  5. Yay, I got mentioned on your podcast! It’s so cool hearing you talk about your con experience and being able to picture it because I was actually there. That’s totally a reason to go to more cons in the future πŸ™‚

  6. I just wanted to say that I feel getting beaten for belching in this episode was unwarranted because the belch was completely inaudible. The point of Carrie’s objection to burping was based on people hearing them on the podcast, hence inaudible burps don’t justofy beatings. That is all.


  7. Another great show, guys. A few comments:

    Carrie, you have as much as a lisp as I do. It’s not always noticeable, but occasionally a word or two will pop up where you hear it. I have the same problem…but probably worse than you.

    Bit of an ego bit here, but whatever…I get jealous of my music friends get mentioned in song and I don’t. I heard two songs this weekend which named some of my peers and did not name me: “Weird Al Didn’t Write This Song” and “Could It Be You”. I know I haven’t been around as long as the acts mentioned, or am as well known, but I guess my dream is to one day be known enough to be mentioned in a song ^_^

    Speaking of me (wow, ego much?) I enjoy that the podcast this week has my name in it (thanks to being the meme of the con..as well as the final report on NotS) but my concert was the one with the least amount of comment…DAMN YOU SUNDAY AFTERNOON!

    (obviously, I’m only being pseudo-egotesticle and miffed, as I’m grateful you guys even associate with me, let alone mention me on your podcast, but I gotta do SOMETHING to get you guys to tell me to Shut Up).

    Your pal,

    Ian ^_^

  8. Sorry about the balloons… we should have helped clean those up. I’ll definitely stick around to help with that next time, as well as tell audience members to get a few when they leave.

    Rob told us he was also surprised at how overstated the bus features were. Oh well… it does seem like he plans to do it next year anyhow. πŸ˜€

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