Episode #049 – The Pink Sensation

In this episode we throw the spotlight on Carrie and ask her 80 questions about movies, TV, books, money, music, games, and sex. Then we accidentally stumble into some content by discussing our thoughts on a 3rd “Ghostbusters” film, and Luke does a spontaneous review of “The Smurfs” movie. Yes, Luke saw “The Smurfs” so you didn’t have to. We also have News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski, Kornflake, Da Yoopers, Ken Bishop’s Nice Twelve, TV’s Kyle, The Nick Atoms, and Mondo Boffo and Scorpio. Luke also shows some art TV’s Kyle did 19 years ago (see below), and presents an earworm even more insidious than other recent popular earworms, because this 5 second tune is played repeatedly for hours upon end in his workplace. Suffer, fools!

Episode Length: 2:12:04

6 thoughts on Episode #049 – The Pink Sensation

  1. Carrie I think it’s cool that you tried your had at writing. I tried my hand at writing Science Fiction. I had a story about a guy that made a device that could view into the future. He could only see two hours ahead because the device cause a power outage turning the machine off cause is window to view into the future to be limited.

  2. Carrie I think it’s cool that you tried your hand at writing. I tried my hand at writing Science Fiction. I had a story about a guy that made a device that could view into the future. He could only see two hours ahead because the device cause a power outage turning the machine off cause is window to view into the future to be limited.

  3. Elementary school “creative writing” exercises made me hate writing. Especially the read-it-in-front-of-the-class part.

  4. Luke and Carrie,if the Doctor came and let you take a trip in his TARDIS, where and when would you go?

  5. Luke, I’ve been listening to this podcast off and on since Gencon last year, when you mentioned it either at your table or your concert. Your account about Gencon and the people who leave during your show is really depressing, so I thought I’d share this small tidbit:

    My mom went to Gencon years ago and returned completely enamored by your show at the costume contest. She bought a CD and shared it with me and we were greatly amused. Since then we’ve spent consecutive years collecting your CDs at the convention. I just thought I’d let you know that you reached at least two new fans through your performances at Indianapolis. We didn’t buy CDs straight after the contest last year, I was too busy chasing down my favorite contestants to get pictures of, but we made sure to drop by for the concert and complete our collection. We even picked up one of Carrie’s albums, since that was the first time my mom had ever heard any of Carrie’s singing. I think you guys are great, and it’s a treat to hear Luke’s newest songs at the con. I’m bummed I missed this year but here’s to making it to Indie next year. 🙂

  6. Carrie, if you’re going to drop one stupid leftist cliche for New Years, it’s this: Do NOT feel guilty about having kids. You’re not irresponsibly overpopulating the world, if you can actually afford to raise your child. You’re actually doing your part.

    Remember the beginning of the movie Idiocracy? How the intelligent people never had babies, while the stupid people spat out little welfare recipients in droves?

    Yeah, you’re just stemming that moron tide. Thank you for your valiant efforts. Sure, maybe if the smart finally out bred the stupid, Luke Ski will find his line at the caricature stand halved, but his stomach lining will be ever so grateful as the ulcers recede.

    In fact, take it a step further. Adopt about twenty kids in a row, to counter Michele Bachman’s damage. Send out a platoon of kids who grew up learning about science from They Might Be Giants, and not from the Veggie Tales.

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