Low content, low energy, lo the many minutes of precious life you’ll waste listening to this episode.
With the exception of a track by Rina-chan sent to us by a listener, all the music this week is by Carrie and/or Luke, including the first finished track picked by you, the Bad Rapport listeners, from “U Pick Luke’s FuMP” from episodes 17, 18, & 19.
As well as phoning in News of the Stupid, we talk about the toys of our past, Luke’s suggestions for new crass and tacky wedding traditions to replace the old crass and tacky wedding traditions, and we learn who America’s first female president was. It’s not Luke’s fiance Sara Trice, who also makes an appearance in this episode, but it should have been.
Now hurry up and listen to this episode before I put it out as a CD and try to sell it to you.
Episode length: 1:42:07
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Sara is your fiancee because she’s a she. Fiance is the word she’s to use for you because you’re a he. Ah well, “wife” and “husband” are easier to spell anyway. 🙂
Specking of favorite toys growing up, mine was a tape recorder. I would just have blank tapes and do radio shows or I would secretly record family members around the house. As for 80’s nostalgia I had this 20 something co-worker that wore jean jacket. So I said to him once, “1987 called and they want their jacket back.”
WOW. That ‘Tiger Shot’ parody of ‘TiK ToK’ is great…but I think I like it more than most will, b/c I play a lot of Street Fighter. I fear if you don’t play it (or any of it’s current iterations) a good majority of the jokes are lost.
Still…awesome stuff. Also, awesome episode!!! Good fun despite lack of topics, initially.
RE: 80s being annoyingly retro – I wouldn’t really say I’m annoyed by it, but I think it does kind of seem a bit more like “the past”.. I was born in ’85 so lived through half of it, but was much more concerned about lego and construction sites (i was obsessed with “excavators”…)
So yeah, not really show where I am going with this, but in summary, here is me in the 80s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M2UUfxbKsA
Great Show!
Dan x
Luke and Carrie, Escapepod is a sci-fi podcast where they have different narrators read different short stories every week. Devo Spice and -=ShoEboX=- each narrated a different episode. If you like sci-fi and want to something different from the mainstream (i.e. Star Trek and Star Wars) check it out.
XM had an all-novelty channel a few years back (Special X, I think), but it was online-only. That went away and they had a Christmas-only novelty channel two years or so ago, but it wasn’t on last year either. Thanks to my new iPhone I’m now a former XM subscriber, so I couldn’t tell you what they’re doing this year.
I also had all the Rainbow Bright dolls. In college I made a Shy Violet costume for an 80’s themed Halloween. When I was younger, my sister and cousins would have battles between the “My Little Pony” collection and the Star Wars action Figures.
I understand wanting to have a nice looking place. I have thought of just dedicating one room (or a finished basement) to ‘collections’ and have the rest of the house be more adult.
Kid showed me her collection of crazy bands which I saw her trade with her classmates. Best one I saw was a rainbow colored penguin. My mind saw her guitar, tronbome and clarinet bands as penis with balls, bong, and dildo.
Similar to Luke not liking the era just before he was born the era I (born 1965) don’t like is the late 50s / early 60s. Didn’t care for Happy Days, Grease, or the music that I would hear every day on the radio for the 6 years at my previous job because the people who were 10 to 15 years older than me like it.
Back to the Future is the only thing I liked from that era as it was to me more about alternate history than the 50s.
I really like how It’s Good to be the King turned out. I even made it the opening song for episode 50 of my podcast on the 9th. Still hoping to hear Hoser though. 😉
I think when the Power Rangers came on the scene in ’93, their core demographic was kids who were 10 or 12 years younger that me. It had way to simple of a formula to capture my attention, and honestly, I don’t think I would have liked it if I was 9 either.
Twitter Tweeting – fun song. After hearing my topic tweets, maybe the ten year anniversary re-release needs a line in it about terrible spelling and atrocious abbrevatuns.. abrevatons… Damn It! I hate my life. Abbr.
By the way, Luke’s got the pronunciation correct for Ennis (rhymes with tennis).
Nerf Boomerangs – never owned one, but friends did. It required some modification. The arms had to be bent up to get it to curve tightly enough to come back to you.
I totally understand the resistance to doing the Dollar Dance. I had to cave in to my Ukrainian mother-in-law and let her play something called “Vivita” (a.k.a. the “Pay Sucker Pay” song) at my wedding. If it is a tradition for your family, you could always do it as a fund-raiser for your favourite charity.
Merch tables at the wedding… I’ve been married long enough to know that would go over like a lead balloon. Now, a limited edition CD with a Luke and Sarah duet of My Favourite Part would make a great wedding favour. Maybe as a special wedding non-free pay_sucker_pay mp3 download could be a good pre/post-wedding related fund raiser.
#1 – Nerf boomerangs. Oddly enough, those were the only boomerangs I could get to work. Sean is correct though, you had to bend the ends in toward the middle, to make it shaped more like a saucer than a disc.
#2 – Silly bands. I have a theory on these. I think their popularity is largely due to the economy. $2 for a pack of 10 Pokemon cards? No. $.50 for a pack of 50 silly bands? Why not. It’s very much an elementary school trading item, as many items from the past have been, just very inexpensive. I hereby volunteer my 10-year-old daughter for any further elaboration, if you want it.
#3 – Wedding advice. Practicality has no place in a wedding. If your bride-to-be says she wants her great aunt Marge, who can’t carry a tune in a bucket, to sing in your wedding, you say “that sounds like a good idea.” Remember, you give her everything she wants on the wedding day, she gives you everything you want on the wedding night.
#4 – Female comedy singers. They’re really more adapted to music videos than just music, but go look up “Key of Awesome” on YouTube. Some have female leads. All are fantastic.
Looking at comment #4, it appears that we will once again have an episode where you somehow mention Flat 29.
However, seeing as I’m comments #3 and #12, you’ll be mentioning me as well…and I’m ok with that ^_^
Luke, you grew up in the 80’s like I did. Yet, you don;t understand the whole Silly Bands thing.
Do you not remember the whole “Swatch” phenomenon?
You’re probably repressing it too…