Episode #029 – Flat Something-or-other

Welcome to episode 29, in which we don’t mention or talk about Flat 29 at all. Well, not after the first few minutes, anyway.

With Carrie needing more time at home to get to work on packing for her move to the suburbs, this episode has only a couple of appearances by her. Her fill in co-host is “Blasted Bill” Putt of Dementia Radio and the Pod Of Destiny, who happened to be in town.

In this episode, Bill talks about his Demento-taping days and of schoolyard injustices from his past. Luke spills the beans on his new wheels, and tells some funny and humiliating stories from his youth (note: the most embarrassing pic of Luke ever taken, to the left).

There’s also News Of The Stupid, songs by Paul & Storm, ItsTheReal, & Steve Martin, and True Tales Of Ignorance From The Caricature Stand: Black Friday 2010 Edition!

Now stop reading this text and start listening, you have a train to catch…

Episode length: 1:57:39

3 thoughts on Episode #029 – Flat Something-or-other

  1. Great podcast Luke Carrie and Bill. Yes my junior high/middle school years were rife with bullies. I never seemed to get the upper hand because unlike boys girls don’t always have the ability to stand up for themselves if they haven’t sprouted yet.

    It is funny though now to run in to a few of them later on and realize that they often have not really done anything but work at gas stations and fast food.

    I like long podcasts. Good luck with moving Carrie

  2. Wow, a week in, and only one comment. It’s a longer episode and it looks like the downloads have doubled over the last few shows, so that fact perplexes me. I feel compelled make it two, but I’ll keep it short.

    I’m tickled that you took my Chattanooga Choo Choo/Flat 29 challenge, and that you did so many verses… AWESOME!!!! I’d come up with a tougher challenge, but I’m afraid you might actually do it.

    As bad as that picture is, I think we can all be thankful that you are not wearing “Birth Control Glasses”. White tennis shoes or not.

  3. Bad Rapport seems to be going through sometuing similar to what Geek of all trades went through under my reign; the more listeners I got, the LESS feedback I got. It was weird. I wonder if it’ll happen again now that my Mom and Step-Dad have taken over the show. I also wonder if my Gilmore Girls Re-watch podcast will face the same thing. We’re getting quite a bit of feedback now, but where will we be once we start covering Season 2?

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