Episode #035 – A Finite Amount Of Crackers

Welcome to our President’s Day episode where we don’t ever mention that it’s President’s day. Well, except for playing that one track by Jonathan Coulton, as well as tracks by Carrie Dahlby, Sudden Death, and Lou & Peter Berryman of Madison, Wisconsin. Speaking of which, here’s a link to an article explaining one of the key issues there, and a link to a bunch of awesome protest signs.  In other news, Carrie & Josh met Weird Al, Luke & Sara met Lewis Black, Lawrence Avenue is anthropomorphized, Luke makes “Contact” with a husky drunk mother, and Carrie celebrates her birthday by singing a penis ditty. All that in under 90 minutes. Go us! And happy birthday Carrie. 🙂

Episode length: 1:28:42

4 thoughts on Episode #035 – A Finite Amount Of Crackers

  1. Looking at the protest signs, is it just me, or have hipster college douches killed protesting in America? Now it’s all about who can come of up with the cutest pun so they can get their picture online.

    The problem I’ve always seen with Unions is… they work just as hard to protect the bad employees as they do the good. Of course, right now my day job is in a union, and even the head of our local has lamented this, so I’m not the only one who’s frustrated with some of my coworkers. And those bad apples really tend to affect contract talks.

  2. Carrie, with that opening, I’d accuse you of providing Way Too Much Information. However, I’m a modern father, and nothing frightens me about the female reproduction system any more. NOTHING!

    Luke, regarding the Bloodhound Gang and 3 2 1 – Contact; I made the association right away as well – but I don’t think my wife or most of her friends did back in 1999/2000. However, I still want to know if Zoncora smokes cigars.

    Some of those anti-Walker signs were almost as good as the ones they had at the anti-Westboro Baptist Church protest at Comic Con. People often don’t learn to appreciate a union until they really need one. Solidarity!!!

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