Episode #006 – The Opposite Board

This week’s episode features all Christmas themed comedy tracks by Mona Abboud, Insane Ian, Patton Oswalt, and RuPaul. We also review the movie “The Princess And The Frog” (don’t worry, there are no spoilers). Of course there’s News of the Stupid, another True Tale of Ignorance from the Caricature stand, and other things I can’t predict because I wrote this description before we recorded the episode. And to you, a wassail too!

Episode length:  1:26:27

9 thoughts on Episode #006 – The Opposite Board

  1. Technically I was up at 5AM this morning but went back to bed and “slept in” until 8. With my wife not working out on the 26th, I should be able to donate then.

    Great episode!

  2. TOTALLY forgot to comment on ep5. Actually, i lie. i kept remembering,… when i wasn’t at the computer. I normally listen to the show, then comment from my laptop when i get to my next job(like now), but for some reason couldn’t on ep 5. Any ways, i wanted to say that luke’s “royal Carrie voice” was one of the funniest things ever!!

    on to ep6. Carrie’s bleach was SO well timed that i almost drove off the road laughing so hard while making a left hand turn.

    As for riding on MY coat tails at marscon?!?!? My coat tails? the only coat tails i have is from riding other ppl’s coat tails, so quite a switch to me thinking you guys riding mine. but i know what you mean.

    Gargoyles was one of the best Cartoons EVER!! I SO want to do a Goliath costume some year.

    News of the stupid was AWESOME this week. Extremely well polished and rehearsed(or sounded so). Great job!!

  3. You know, now that you guys are more than 4 episodes in, it’s about time to start cutting promos for the show. Let me know when you guys have one and I’d be happy to do a promo exchange with you.

  4. Hey guys! Great show, thanks for playing my Xmas track along with the great Patton Oswalt! Looking forward to your review of my album next show! (Please be gentle, I bruise easily)

    Also…News of the Stupid was fantastic today. “SQUASH!” killed me.

  5. Again I thank you for helping my OT at work be more entertaining. Yah for Patton Oswald, I hope he pops up more. Props to Carrie’s belch, very well done.

  6. I think that Tiny Toons bit was my first exposure to They Might Be Giants. The only song you didn’t mention that I can remember is “Yakkity Yak”.

    Your show has been consistently entertaining.

  7. Tried to post a comment before, and it didn’t take…but regardless, thanks for playing my song in the same show as the great Patton Oswalt! I’m SO jealous you got to see him live, Luke!

    Looking forward to your review of my CD next show…thanks! Also, this show was killer. “SQUASH!” killed me.

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