Episode #051 – A Pound Of Goo

Want to know the gender of Carrie’s forthcoming child? Well then this is the podcast for you! Also in the episode: Luke crawls up his own ass again at length as he discusses the results of the 2011 Luke Ski Top 50 Poll with Ken, Josh, and Susan; Luke & Carrie report on Con on the Cob 2011 and the Logan Awards; and at the very end of the episode a there’s a special guest appearance by TV’s Kyle so he and Luke can talk about cartoons for a few minutes. There’s also News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski, Flat 29, Avenue Q, Sean Cullen, Brave Combo, and The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band. Please check out the image below to see Luke’s 2 proposed potential track listings for his “Greatest Hits Volume 2” collection and let him know which one you think is better. Also, MANIC MONDAYS has returned! So go subscribe to its podcast feed for a weekly dose of even more comedy music and News of the Stupid!

Episode #000 – Luke & Carrie Finally Get Off Their Butts And Do Something

LCBRlogoComing in mid-October 2009, it’s “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport”, a new PodCast based on all the old PodCasts, with your hosts the great Luke Ski and Carrie Dahlby. Join them as they drone on and on about whatever they feel like yapping about, as they constantly interrupt each other and pick fights with each other over silly pop-culture issues that don’t matter and no one cares about. The monotony will be broken up by a few comedy songs, both old and new, as well as “NEWS OF THE STUPID”, done with the blessing of Devo Spice (host of the formerly existent PodCast “Manic Mondays”) as compiled by Cary Whitney (feel free to submit stories to us as well). So if you’re looking for something that’s better than nothing to listen to while at work, on your drive, or bla bla bla whatever sign up for the feed and listen to it. It’s your call, bucko.