Episode #051 – A Pound Of Goo

Want to know the gender of Carrie’s forthcoming child? Well then this is the podcast for you! Also in the episode: Luke crawls up his own ass again at length as he discusses the results of the 2011 Luke Ski Top 50 Poll with Ken, Josh, and Susan; Luke & Carrie report on Con on the Cob 2011 and the Logan Awards; and at the very end of the episode a there’s a special guest appearance by TV’s Kyle so he and Luke can talk about cartoons for a few minutes. There’s also News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski, Flat 29, Avenue Q, Sean Cullen, Brave Combo, and The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band. Please check out the image below to see Luke’s 2 proposed potential track listings for his “Greatest Hits Volume 2” collection and let him know which one you think is better. Also, MANIC MONDAYS has returned! So go subscribe to its podcast feed for a weekly dose of even more comedy music and News of the Stupid!

10 thoughts on Episode #051 – A Pound Of Goo

  1. Proposed track list ALPHA for “Greatest Hits Volume 2: 2004-2009”, covering albums 6 thru 9:

    Disc A:
    1. the great Luke Ski (4:17)
    2. You Don’t Know Jack (3:46)
    3. Jack Bauer (6:23)
    4. BACON! (3:07)
    5. Too Much Stuff (4:49)
    6. The Dada Slide (5:06)
    7. Map Light (2:01)
    8. I Love You, TiVo (5:02)
    9. My Favorite Part (5:32)
    10. The Spongy Dance (4:58)
    11. Bring The Joy (3:30)
    12. Gettin’ Giggity Wit It (3:21)
    13. Geeks of the Industry (3:38)
    14. My Parents Bought Me Intellivision (4:40)
    15. Gory Gory Hallelujah (3:56)
    16. Dementia Revolution (4:42)
    17. MC Freberg (10:20)

    Disc B:
    1. It’s A Fanboy Christmas II: The Wrath Of Claus (11:52)
    2. Sex Kittens From Mars (4:59)
    3. Scud (3:00)
    4. Holding Out For Hiro (3:55)
    5. Everybody Get Lost (3:55)
    6. No Sleep Til Babylon (4:06)
    7. Just Mister Londo (5:29)
    8. It Takes Who (4:54)
    9. Battlestar Rhapsody (5:23)
    10. A Man Named Jayne (3:41)
    11. Spock Star (4:14)
    12. One Night At Quark’s Bar (3:50)
    13. Vader Boy (3:26)
    14. Star Wars Prequel Homesick Blues (2:45)
    15. Grease Wars (13:41)

    Proposed track list BETA for “Greatest Hits Volume 2: 2004-2011”, covering albums 6 thru 10:

    Disc A:
    1. You Don’t Know Jack (3:46)
    2. Jack Bauer (6:23)
    3. BACON! (3:07)
    4. Too Much Stuff (4:49)
    5. The Dada Slide (5:06)
    6. Map Light (2:01)
    7. Sneaking Snacks Into The Cinema (4:39)
    8. My Favorite Part (5:32)
    9. It’s Good To Be The King (4:16)
    10. WalkingSilly (4:07)
    11. Gettin’ Giggity Wit It (3:21)
    12. Bring The Joy (3:30)
    13. The Hanna Barbara Polka (3:13)
    14. Snoopy The Dogg (3:37)
    15. Marvel Poppins (2:10)
    16. Anime Fan (3:14)
    17. Geeks of the Industry (3:38)
    18. My Parents Bought Me Intellivision (4:40)
    19. Gory Gory Hallelujah (3:56)
    20. Dementia Revolution (4:42)

    Disc B:
    1. It’s A Fanboy Christmas II: The Wrath Of Claus (11:52)
    2. Sheldon’s Delight (5:42)
    3. Holding Out For Hiro (3:55)
    4. No Sleep Til Babylon (4:06)
    5. It Takes Who (4:54)
    6. Battlestar Rhapsody (5:23)
    7. A Man Named Jayne (3:41)
    8. Spock Star (4:14)
    9. One Night At Quark’s Bar (3:50)
    10. Vader Boy (3:26)
    11. Star Wars Prequel Homesick Blues (2:45)
    12. Grease Wars (13:41)
    13. It’s A Fanboy Christmas 3: Return Of The Magi (11:37)

  2. I like the alpha list much better. I agree with leaving the Be Amused By Me songs for the next compilation, those songs do dominate the beta list too much.

  3. Carrie, I now have the David Bowie song Ziggy Played Guitar stuck in my head, just from your mention of the new-member-to-be’s name in the podcast. I am only a half hour into the podcast at this time, so I may have further comments to make a it goes on.

  4. I like the alpha list as well.

    And no, there wasn’t enough me in this episode. Or talk of me. (Am I really that self-centered? I just like hearing feedback about my performances. If I suck, I’d like to know, is all ^_^)

  5. Luke I like Alpha set. Carrie and Josh congrats on having a little boy. Josh your bit on the cast was very funny.

  6. OK, I made my comment on the playlists before listening to the show. This was probably a dumb move, because now that i know the whole context, I totally get where Luke is coming from and am now leaning more towards the Alpha list.

    Also, D’oh! I forgot to vote in the Top 50! Oh well, there’s always next time.

  7. 1. If you want Team Sex, Drugs, Satan Shirts I can totally make them on the Dementia Radio spread shirt page. I’m guessing asking ShoEboX might need to happen?

    2. When Shy Show said you can start a mosh Pit I totally jumped up and worked my way down and I was the 1st to actually be in the “pit.” I was stuck in the back so it took me a while to work my way out, so you prolly didn’t see me. But you can always totally count on me to do wacky mid song audience participation bits. I think this needs to happen more at cons.

    3. When you asked if any one had Rocky I suddenly remember that in fact I did have it on my laptop. I debated with my self weather I should tell any one because I wanted the Dementia stuff to keep going on. My desire to help when ppl need something is very strong. But I decided to tell you(luke) 1st. Chalk this up to “I wish ppl could read my mind” because the reason I told you 1st was so you could say “well we’d rather it not happen so lets keep that a secret” or something to the effect of lets keep the Logan party going. you immediately said “well go tell curtis” so i assumed you didn’t want to keep the logan’s going much longer. I wasn’t actually planing to stay at the rocky, but by the time i hooked it up, every one was gone. so i had nothing else to do. So i guess we both need to be more blunt to each other in the future. btw, having two virgins who just want to watch the movie and 2 drunk chicks yelling random crap does not make for good rocky.

    4. Why have I never heard Jackabye before? I thought I of all ppl would have heard all your early rare stuff before and I never have. It was pretty cool. Were would I have heard it before?

    Ok, that’s enough of me now. Thanks for show.

  8. I prefer Alpha, particularly because if I was a newer listener, it would have more material that I couldn’t get from the older albums as they go out of print. That being said, I likely won’t get the CD as I’ve already got albums 6-9/10. That would probably change if there was a special version of one or more of the songs, or some extra bonus – yah, I know more work for Luke from the peanut-gallery.

    Onto other topics,
    I think “Get Lost”‘s plummet on the Top 50 is very much to do with the way the TV series ended. I just want to forget the hours I wasted watching that series.
    However, I really hope you plug the heck out of Stealing Like A Hobbit and/or release a new version of it next year to coincide with the first Hobbit movie.

    As far as the weirdness and grossness of pregnancy goes, there is still SO MUCH more to experience (and this is from a father). Sorry Sarah. Is the “Ziggy” nick name a Quantum Leap reference, comic strip reference, or something else.

    And an older topic from a past episode…
    As far as setting up your own rig to take to shows, have you seen the COG’s tech rider. Maybe you need something like that. If the venue can’t meet your requirements, you can bring your own rig for a small fee. It would save you lugging around when it isn’t necessary. Just be sure to include a requirement to have 6 strips of bacon (to your desired done-ness) present there to prove that they have read the rider in advance. It’s the same trick Van Halen used with their bowl of M&Ms (with the brown ones removed) clause in their contract. If it’s not there, they haven’t read the rider.

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