Episode #073 – DISNEY SPECIAL

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference that this episode is SIX HOURS LONG!!! Join the great Luke Ski, Carrie Dahlby, and TV’s Kyle as they cover 84 years worth of cartoon, movie, TV, video game, & theme park entertainment, interspersed with an hour and 40 minutes of music & comedy tracks from the house that Walt built as well as by the likes of Brave Combo, the Replacements, Flat 29, Willio & Philio, Throwing Toasters, brentalfloss, The Dark Clan, Raymond & Scum, Power Salad, Patton Oswalt, Da Vinci’s Notebook, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Rob Paravonian, Barenaked Ladies, and They Might Be Giants. As they say at the Haunted Mansion, “there’s no turning back now”, so like a poisoned apple, you can slowly digest this this audiobook with benefits while you impatiently wait for “Wreck-It Ralph”, Disney’s 52nd full length animated feature film, hitting movie theaters on November 2nd. Until next time Mouseketeers, LET’S GET DANGEROUS!

Episode Length: 6:00:07

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14 thoughts on Episode #073 – DISNEY SPECIAL

  1. Holy crap, six hours?

    “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” is loosely based on characters from a book called “Who Censored Roger Rabbit”, which is quite a bit darker. (For instance, Jessica Rabbit doesn’t like Roger, he wished for her from a genie.) I read it in high school before the movie came out. My English teacher said we could get credit for reading anything, but she didn’t believe that was a real book and I had to bring it in and show her.

  2. Since I won’t be making a 6 hour vehicle trip for another 4+ months (I can hear the distant voice calling out to me about the 5 day trip that make the other 360 bearable), it will take about a couple of weeks for my daughter and I to hear this so I will comment per segment listened.

    (Start-45 min) The statement about the XXX labeled bottles does apply to my 12 year old daughter as she thought it meant poison and not alcohol. I showed her the clip of the pink elephants song which she called weird.

    Watching the live action(occasionally with animation) movies of the 60s and 70s that had Don Knotts, Tim Conway and Dick Van Dyke (Mary Poppins, Bednobs and Broomsticks, The Apple Dumpling Gang, Gus) was interesting to me as they usually played the same character which was based on themself.

    Can’t wait to hear the rest.

  3. It took me three days, but I got through this episode. I had to take notes so I knew what to comment about! Here goes:

    First, I love that right away at the start Luke says he doesn’t want this episode to run 5 hours…and it’s noted in the show notes that it’s a six hour episode. Way to go, guys.

    Lady & The Tramp was the first Disney movie I remember seeing in the theater. I remember it because my grandmother went to see it with us, and being old she talked, out loud, during the entire film. “Oh, look at that, they have the same spaghetti piece”. It was embarrassing for me, as a five year old. Wow.

    I loved Oliver and Company, and it was the first time I remember being obsessed with an animated film (I got all the toys for it from McDonalds and such). Yet, I remember it took FOREVER to hit home video, and I haven’t seen it in years.

    I loved Roger Rabbit, but Judge Doom scared the piss out of me as a child. I wouldn’t watch the end of the movie b/c of that. Also, Roger Rabbit makes TWO appearances in BACK TO THE FUTURE PART TWO. In the future, there’s a stuffed animal of Roger in the window of the shop where Marty buys the Sports Almanac. In the past, the mechanic who works on Biff’s car is Charles Fleischer.

    You forgot to list it in the show notes, but TV’s Kyle performed a track too, namely the first version of the Darkwing Duck theme we hear.

    I’m weirdly curious to see the Gadget pic…

    While you guys mentioned the Duck Tales game (ahthankyew) you forgot to mention the other FANTASTIC Disney games, such as Aladdin, Lion KIng, Mickey Mania and the Castle of Illusion games (which the 3DS version of Epic Mickey 2 is emulating). The SNES and Genesis versions of Lion King and Aladdin were also completely different…but both awesome. Aladdin is one of my favorite platformers of all time.

    John Candy’s first voice acting bit wasn’t Rescuers Down Under, but back in 1981 he voiced the kid who became the burly he-man type in Heavy Metal.

    Of the 90s Disney films, Beauty & The Beast is Stacey’s favorite, while Aladdin is mine.

    For Nightmare Before Christmas, there are demos of the songs by Danny Elfman where he does every voice. His version of the Oogie Boogie song is fantastic.

    I wrote down that I also liked a movie that Luke liked that he claimed he was the only one who liked it, but I didn’t say what movie that was. Oops.

    The Atlantean language for Disney’s Atlantis was written by the same guy who created the Klingon language, Marc Okrand.

    Chris Sanders’ animation/art style is REALLY obvious in the character design of his other movie, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, as Toothless the NightFury looks like Stitch.

    The appearance Johnny Depp did at the hospital wasn’t specifically for the “Make A Wish” foundation, but a kid in the hospital sent a letter to Johnny, and since he was in London filming the fourth movie, he stopped by and surprised the kids.

    The Sky High soundtrack is amazing, and every track is a cover of an 80s song. Also, one of my favorite superhero movies.

    Carrie, how could you HATE Tron: Legacy? It was awesome…and so pretty! I also don’t understand how Luke & Kyle can not follow what’s going on in those flicks…pretty straight forward if you ask me.

    I also love Tangled, but I agree with Kyle that the ad campaign soured me on seeing the movie until it hit cable/netflix. I thought the original trailer/commericals for it looked horrible.

    Twice in your accounting of Once Upon A Time, Luke accidentally referred to Rumplestiltskin as Rapunzel instead, and no one noticed or corrected him. I’m sure Kyle was confused when Luke said Rapunzel was the beast. As far as OUAT goes though, I can’t watch it anymore. I was on board for the first season, but the writing just gradually got dumber and dumber. I hate when they make normally intelligent characters do idiotic things that demean the established intelligence of said character. That show does that EVERY WEEK.

    Was that William Shatner singing “To Infinity and Beyond”?

    My wife and I went to Disneyworld for our honeymoon. It was awesome…except for the Tower of Terror. I have a fear of heights, but my wife was pestering me to go on the ride, insisting it would be fun and i would be alright. I sadly don’t remember much of it, as I spent I entire ride freaked out and crying, fearing for my life. I had a very real panic attack on the “ride” and it was one of the worst feelings of my life. Needless to say, my wife won’t make me ride it again.

    Luke, heads up…Toy Story Mania is available on the Wii, and is coming this holiday to Kinect for Xbox 360.

    I thought they closed Mr Toad’s Wild Ride a few years ago…I remember people talking about it because of the line in MALLRATS (“When are men going to learn that women want ROMANCE, not Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride…”
    “Be fair. EVERYONE wants Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.”).

    All in all, gents (and lady), twas a fun episode…

  4. Also, you forgot one of my favorite childhood Disney flicks…The Black Cauldron! I know there’s some sort of stigma attached to that movie (mainly as it is grossly different than the book) but I loved that movie as a child.

  5. Not only is Frankenweenie the first movie directed by Tim Burton since 2003’s Big Fish that didn’t have Johnny Depp, it’s the first since 1999’s Sleepy Hollow without Helena Bonham Carter. Each of those movies also had the other actor.

  6. I am finally getting to the last hour of the podcast where you talk about the Disney parks. The last time I was at Disney World, the Epcot center was still being built and was 6-9 months away from opening. So I am interested in seeing what has been changed in Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion (which you discussed), as well as what has since been added to the park.

  7. Finally took a deep breath and started the episode. Too impatient to make a giant post like Ian, so here’s my first bit. “Midnight Madness” didn’t feature Michael Richards. It did, however, feature Paul “Pee-Wee Herman” Reubens (and Michael J. Fox, as mentioned).

  8. Add me to the list of six or so people that listened to the whole thing. My only comment is that Michael Richards was not in “Midnight Madness.” Although Paul “Pee-Wee Herman” Reubens (and, as mentioned, Michael “no J. yet” Fox) was.

  9. Like other commenters, it took me a few weeks to listen to the whole Disney Special, but WHAT a listen! It rekindled my dormant Disney fandom, at least to the point of re-watching or listening to every bit of Disney media I currently own, including my first edition of the Aladdin soundtrack which contains the original lyrics for “Arabian Nights” (“where they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face”).

    You touched on the Disney vinyl albums, and I have to admit, I had my own copy of “Micky Mouse Disco” back in the day–and downloaded the iTunes version the instant I knew it existed. Some of the other Disney releases I recall were the “Dickens’ Christmas Carol” album, which was later adapted into “Mickey’s Christmas Carol” (though on the album, Merlin from “The Sword in the Stone” was the Ghost of Christmas Past, and the Evil Witch from “Snow White” was Christmas Future), and the “Disney Children’s Favorite Songs” volumes with lead vocals by Larry Groce of “Junk Food Junkie” fame.

    Also on the subject of vinyl albums, you somewhat glossed over the only way that those of us of a certain age could experience the Disney classics over and over in the years before home video–full-length storybook albums! I had a massive collection of Disney film storybook records, both animated and live action, including a “Black Hole” album illustrated with beautiful color images from the film. Interesting to ponder how far home versions of films have come in our lifetimes, eh? Now I could pack digital versions or rips of all my Disney favorites on a laptop not quite as large and just a bit thicker than one of those storybooks.

    Of course, at this point we all know about the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm….and a thought related to that popped unbidden into my head the other day. No, not “Leia is now a Disney Princess”, that one’s already been done to death. Ponder this–how different will a Star Wars movie feel if it’s preceded by the Disney logo and music instead of the 20th Century Fox fanfare? To be honest, I only gave “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith” a chance after the lackluster performance of “Phantom Menace” because they were opportunities to sit in a theater and hear the Fox fanfare followed by the Star Wars theme one more time. Hell, my storybook record of the original Star Wars film (aka “A New Hope” for you kids out there) included the Fox fanfare as the opening of the record, so that music has always been linked in my mind to Star Wars.

  10. I just saw it on TV and it occurred to me I didn’t hear you guys mention it in your run down of Disney flicks…did you guys talk Pocahontas?

  11. I did mean to mention: Ever notice that Gummi Bears is just all the concepts (and some of the character designs) from Black Cauldron… handled better?

  12. Hi everybody!

    I rarely make comments on podcasts, but this one almost demanded it.
    Let me start by saying that even though it was so long, I really enjoyed this episode as it reminded me of things I hadn’t thought of in years. Things that made me happy in my youth. I must admit though that you lost me quickly; due to my age, I didn’t watch a lot of Disney after the very early 80’s, and with my CRS what I did see, I have mostly forgotten.

    I do have one big exception with your comments regarding Disney apologizing for Song of the South and other racial/social errors in it’s cartoons. It was a different world then, with different sensibilities. It is a part of history. To go back now and apologize for something that at the time was funny, acceptable, and offense was not intended, to me is counter-productive, and frankly, offensive. Should Mark Twain apologize for “Tom Sawyer”? Release the videos, if necessary, with additional commentary regarding society at the time, and how these types of things are no longer being made. Don’t apologize for what was done, own it, and do better.

    The world has become too sensitive. Cartoons, and comedy in general, have been so white-washed, and “PC-ified”, that they are just oatmeal for the masses. Comedy, in order to be comedy, must in and of itself be offensive. Someone, or something is always being made fun of. Now, you can’t open your mouth without someone being offended, or you’re racist, or it’s a hate crime, or harrassment.

    As to the effect Song of the South has on a child, all I can remember of it (reminds me I need to re-watch that one), is the cartoon animals, the tar baby, and that tricky bre’r rabbit. My grandfather, an artist, painted them on the walls of my mother’s bedroom, and they remainded there probably to this day (if the house is still standing), the songs made me happy, it never once made me think slavery is okay…

    Also, you guys have WAY too much time to over-analyze cartoon shows!

    Horse diving is teh awesome.

  13. The idea of updating as planned earlier did not happen. Sorry.

    I am still impressed by the detail from Kyle though I can tell more this time than the previous two cartoon related episodes that he watches from the POV of an artist.

    My daughter was not at all offended by the occasional adult language.

  14. @Chuck Williams: I had a few of those storybook LPs as well. I particularly remember The Rescuers. R E S C U E, Rescue Aid Society!

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