It’s the night before CONvergence, and I’m using my last bit of time and energy before I go to bed to post our huge 3-hour LukeSkiCon 2013 Wrap-Up episode. All the music in this episode is songs from the 2-CD set “Worst Tribute Ever (a tribute to the great Luke Ski)”, which is available now at the store at under compilations both in CD and MP3 format. The tracks in this episode are by Worm Quartet, Devo Spice, Flat 29, Scooter Picnic, Tony Goldmark, and Crush Groove featuring Seamonkey.
Also in this episode, Carrie tells us about her 5 mile hike during the Chicago Gay Pride Parade, and we read your comments from the past 2 episodes. Speaking of comments, please leave us comments telling us your favorite things about LukeSkiCon 2013, and/or what your favorite tracks are from “Worst Tribute Ever”! Let’s keep the positivity and excitement rolling as we gear up for FuMP Fest 2014!
Episode length: 3:09:15
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
For me Luke Ski Con 2013 was a 72+ hour blur.
It started by doing my show at the hotel on Thursday night with Wildcard, whose computer allowed me to cast, and 6 others made for a festive hour cast.
It ended during karoake Sunday night when I left a bit early with a headache realizing that work started 6 hours later being unable to do what I had hoped.
By collecting money for the shirt, movie and CD, I was able to talk to everyone there and added 10 friends to Facebook.
After somehow powering through my work day on the 24th, I knew I had to take the 25th off work to recover.
I was humbled by the awesome work done by the artists on the CD as more than half were pre 2005 songs. My favorites were Flat 29, John Mapes and Beth Kinderman though I could name most fo the CD when talking about the quality of the set.
My post showing where people who were at Luke Ski Con came from and the makeup of performance tracks from Worst. Tribute. Ever. :
I keep imagining someone doing a parody of a Mikey Mason tune:
It was the worst tribute ever, we all thought we were so clever
and almost everybody at the Fump joined in and tried
except for luke, ’cause it was secret, somehow he remained oblivious
And when he opened Carrie’s box, I swear to god he almost cried.
….and so on.
OK, OK, I bought The Worst Tribute Ever along with the Bad Rapport Best of 2012, so QUIT YOUR BITCHING…….
Of course, I haven’t received any notice that I’m also getting the Bad Rapport best of 2011, but I’m assuming that it will be shipped with the other CDs.
I Hope.
Wasn’t at LSC, though I heard some of it streaming. Just quickly zipped through the Worst. Tribute. Ever. My favorite cut is Tom Smith’s take on “Bacon”. John Denver would be proud.
Luke Ski Con. What hasn’t been Said? Best Party/Con I have ever been to. Favorite moments, Shoebox and Ian Slamming into the Glass near the Pool during water aerobics on Sat., Meeting a lot of the Dementia People for the First time. (I am from California and never been to MarsCon so hadn’t met all you Midwesterners and Eastcoasties. Glad I have Faces to go with the voices now), Watching the Karaoke DJ loose it! (a lot!), Buying Merch from yall. (I somehow keep forgetting to get your stuff while shopping online. I came home from the Con with over 12 hours of Dementia Music to add to my I pod.), and best of all being completely acepterd by and hanging with people (Like Luke and Devo) who I have admired for years. Waiting Patiently for Fump Fest and Trying to figure out if I can swing it AND Marscon From now on.
Since, there’s already 6 comments to this podcast, I’ll keep this brief…
1) “Worst. Tribute. Ever.” is a fantastic compilation album. Carrie really outdid herself putting this together and keeping it secret. From the intro by Dr. Demento to the wide spectrum of musical contributors and the great mixing and track layout here – it’s mindblowing how much effort must have gone into this by so many people. It will be on heavy rotation for quite some time.
2) Despite Luke’s worries, I really don’t see “The Weed Fart Song” as an indictment of the Dr. Demento show or of Dr. Demento personally. It’s a biting commentary on the state of Dementia and of what was popular to the listeners of the Dr. Demento show at the time. Those are very different things to me. Those kinds of songs got loads of airplay because that’s what listeners kept requesting and apparently wanted to hear. This song never blames the DJ – it just bemoans the zeitgeist of the community.
So, what can be said about LSC that hasn’t already been said? Well, it was an awesome, fun, crazy, weird, hilarious, self-referential, historic, blur of a weekend. I hung out with my comedy buddies, watched then all do awesome shows, had some fun doing my own sow and helping out with others, and generally got my face melted with awesome. Good times.
As a tiny side note, I did not intentionally slight Luke and Carrie by going to Potbelly rather than Sweet Tomatoes for food on Sunday, I just…I needed something other than veggies. Terribly sorry I offended you all, was not my intent, especially since you guys (and Sara) provided us all with such an awesome weekend!
As far as the tribute album, there’s some awesome tracks included, but honestly, i think my fave track would have to be John Mapes’ version of Maplight. Crazy and brilliant.
Random moment: for those who care about this crap, here’s my setlist from LSC (minus the songs I had to cut for time):
Let’s Get Silly
Spoiler Alert (MC Frontalot cover)
Run This Game (with Devo Spice)
MvL (with Devo & Luke)
Shut Up, Ian! (and yes, you did kind of spoil the surprise by talking about it, Luke, but no biggie)
Epic VG Medley 3.5
Thanks for having me out there to be wacky and make an ass of myself for your fans, Luke! Thanks for letting me be included on the tribute Carrie! Love ya both!
Comments go at the bottom of the webpage.
You can find a lot of recordings of people playing video games if you search for “Let’s Play [Title]”.
I put a mention of Worst Tribute Ever on the TV Tropes page Worst Whatever Ever.
Ah, I just got my Worst Tribute Ever and Bad Rapport Best of 2012 CDs, and wouldn’t you know, The Bad Rapport Best of 2011 was included!
Hahahaha! It Works!!!!
Oh yeah, and the puppet video was amazing. The Art Paul puppet (FuMPet?) is so dead on it’s scary. Love the videos, love the puppets of the kick starters, loved voicing a kickstarter puppet, and LOVE the Scooter Picnic video for “Dollar”. Awesomesauce.
Nerdprom, Hipstercon! =) These should be THINGS! That guy in the suit should organize them. Somebody should tell him so.
Was impressed with your burp early in the show Luke, even though I am sure you can do better.
I got a good surprise out of getting to watch the THING! (Bad Rapport video episode #3… which you talked about early in your show, which is why I am mentioning it now.)
Hearing that Luke helped Carrie with the laundry made me smile.
Super glad the rain cleared out in time for the BBQ to work out. Sara did such an awesome job getting us fed with such tasty food following our travels! I just feel bad that the weather was being so unpredictable and complicated things. Evil T-storms, grrrrrrrr!
I enjoyed being accompanied down the street by a bunny when I came to Luke and Sara’s house.
FACT: I never have anyone to go see movies with. So getting to see Monsters University with (virtually) AN ENTIRE CON made me smile to the point of molar soreness. It was sweet that on top of all of that, the movie was so great.
Seeing all the bright shiny happy faces at water aerobics was my favorite of all convention things! I love that Carrie yelled out what everyone else was probably thinking during Saturday morning’s (very full!) session. 😉 I also was thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your first ever water aerobics class so much. Hands down, Ian and Shoebox hurling themselves at the plexiglass was the most hysterical thing that’s ever happened during one of my classes. That people *still* came out for Sunday morning’s class after festivities ran so late on Saturday night impressed the sparkles out of me, ‘specially Luke because he had been up ’til after 3AM the night before. There were attendees that wanted to keep working out after Saturday’s class, and there was an impromptu dance party after Sunday’s class — there’s just no stopping you amazing con people! =)
It was a nice surprise for me that Luke joined me for the Flopcast segment — I’dve been lonely and not having nearly as much fun up on that stage without you!
Loved all the podcast segments, but since this con marked my first time meeting Moonbeam I especially enjoyed seeing the Pod of Destiny in action with their sing songy Mad Libs.
And all of Luke’s art around the symposium room… what a nifty treat to see so much of your work.
The debut of Shut Up Ian ROCKED!
And I always knew that Carrie was cool, but pulling off the organization and presentation of Worst. Tribute. Ever. deserves so much cheering and estatic jumping up and down and admiration. Getting to see Luke’s reaction as he tried to process what he was seeing when he opened his present was PRICELESS.
How could you NOT sing along with “I fart marajuana smoke” Shoebox’s rendition of WFS? What a brilliant performance. I’ve appreciated hearing it on the CD, but seeing it live was THE BOMB.
I got overfunned in the best possible way playing all those video games at Galloping Ghost Arcade. I wasn’t good at them, but I sure had a blast. When Luke said “button mashing”, I was like THAT’S IT, there’s a phrase for what I do when it comes to video gaming, and that’s what it is! I had never been to an arcade set up for freeplay once you’re “in” — we don’t really have those ’round these parts in the northeast.
If only I had any energy left in me — I needed downtime, and unfortunately it had to happen during bowling. I really love bowling, and would’ve loved to be there. =) Also, not being able to be at Sweet Tomatoes for Sunday lunch was due to something most people wouldn’t know about me — I have a slew of allergies that I have to work my dietary needs around. Normally, I’ll take care of food on my own, and then go where everyone else is eating already fed, and not worry if there’s nothing I can eat. Sunday’s schedule simply didn’t allow for that. I missed you too, Carrie! *hug*
I REALLY LOVED Luke’s rendition of The Humpty Dance — your reference to me was silly-go-nuts. But Just a Gigolo is an old favorite of mine, and your rendition ruled. I wish I could go to that karaoke joint every Sunday night — that was the best end to a con ever. Good find for karaoke, Luke! So glad I could finally make my Matthew Wilder dreams come true among my awesome comedy music friends.
Sending you lots of lobsters <3 Great show, you two!
PS — Luke, I should tell you my bully story sometime. If you ever wanna hear it, remind me.