Episode #038 – Dave & Buster’s Bad Rapport

This episode is short for us at just under 90 minutes. So it has that going for it. Also going for it is the presence of Ken, Josh, Sara, and Jered. It was recorded in the restaurant at Dave & Buster’s, so expect a loud continuous ambient noise level as Luke scrapes the bottom of his mental barrel for content nuggets to fill this episode. On that note, this episode has double the number of tracks in it, featuring The State, The Lonely Island, Conan O’Brien, Stephen Colbert with Jimmy Fallon, Maria Bamford, Aziz Ansari, The Bermuda Schwartz Project and more. Also, I kicked Josh’s ass at table hockey.

Episode Length: 1:25:06

Episode #037 – Forced Yammering

In this violence-packed episode, Carrie extols the deliciousness of Starbucks Cake Pops while demanding the immediate swift death of any innocent creatures she dislikes that happen to come too close to her. Luke discusses the concept of a “forced parody” song, citing all the examples from his own career when he tried to crobar a pop song and a subject matter together that made about as much sense as hot-gluing a wombat to a sewing machine. They also discuss getting ambushed by bank trainees, drive-thru etiquette, and a mysterious birthday song from Luke’s past. Much less mysterious are the awesome comedy songs we play by Hard ‘N Phirm, Mike Phirman, The Boobles, and Devo Spice, whose new album “GNOME SANE” drops on April 1st, so mark your calendars and buy the album on iTunes that day for $9.99 to receive the album on CD, plus a bonus CD and download from Devo Spice, visit the preceding link for all the details.

Episode Length: 2:03:44

Episode #036 – Shut Up, Ian: The MarsCon 2011 Retrospective

What do you want to spend the next 2 and a half hours of your life doing?

Do you want to spend it listening to this episode of Bad Rapport, our longest to date, where we spend almost all of the time recapping the events of MarsCon 2011’s Dementia Track? (Also featuring tracks by the great Luke Ski, Worm Quartet, DJ Particle, Mitch Benn, and Power Salad.)

Or, do you want to spend it listening to the brand new  “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport: Best Of 2010” collection? It’s available in 2-CD format for $14 plus shipping, or in downloadable MP3 format for $9.99, both of which can be purchased from the store at thegreatLukeSki.com.

It’s your choice: relive the best annual weekend in comedy music, or relive the first 15 months of this more-than-tolerable podcast?

Come to think of it, there’s really no reason you couldn’t do both…

…Yeah, do both.

Better yet, donate money to support Kenzie.

Episode length: 2:32:11

Picture by Baron Dave Romm, thanks to Andre Tessier for suggesting the Mitch Benn song.

Episode #035 – A Finite Amount Of Crackers

Welcome to our President’s Day episode where we don’t ever mention that it’s President’s day. Well, except for playing that one track by Jonathan Coulton, as well as tracks by Carrie Dahlby, Sudden Death, and Lou & Peter Berryman of Madison, Wisconsin. Speaking of which, here’s a link to an article explaining one of the key issues there, and a link to a bunch of awesome protest signs.  In other news, Carrie & Josh met Weird Al, Luke & Sara met Lewis Black, Lawrence Avenue is anthropomorphized, Luke makes “Contact” with a husky drunk mother, and Carrie celebrates her birthday by singing a penis ditty. All that in under 90 minutes. Go us! And happy birthday Carrie. 🙂

Episode length: 1:28:42

Episode #034 – Let’s Get Dangerous

On this time-jumpy episode we have songs by Devo Spice, Adam English, Meekakitty, and Patton Oswalt with a vignette from his awesome new book “Zombie Spaceship Wastelend” which you should all buy. Meanwhile on the borderline of creepiness, Carrie and Luke talk about cartoon characters they have had crushes on, and believe it or not, this was Carrie’s idea. Speaking of hot cartoons, check out the ooh-la-la drawing of Carrie as “I Dream Of Jeannie” done by TV’s Kyle! That and many more magical musical madmen are on the MarsCon 2011 Dementia Track T-shirt, available to order from Spreadshirt right now. As usual there’s News of the Stupid, a bunch of blatant pluggery, and a genuine Fiji Mermaid, or not. Just hop in the barrel and go over the falls with us.

Episode Length: 1:38:32

Episode #033 – Peri-Peri Query

In this episode, Carrie tells of her pilgrimage to our nation’s capitol to seek out the only existing Nando’s chicken restaurants in America, and gives a review of this rare culinary delight.

Luke tells of his recent adventures in fandom, and of his intolerance for the intolerant.

Ken gives us the lowdown on the Bears / Packers game, and we have some news that is partially weird, and partially stupid.

We also have music by Flat 29, the great Luke Ski, Amy Lee Radigan, Stienski & Mass Media, and Peter, Paul, & Mary. What? Yes.

And don’t forget to go to MarsCon Dementia dot com and order the 2011 Fund Raiser album. Please? Thank you.

Episode length: 1:59:14

Episode #032.5 – MarsCon 2011 Dementia Track Fund Raiser Preview

This is not a regular episode of Bad Rapport, this is a commercial for the MarsCon 2011 Dementia Track Fund Raiser 3-CD & MP3 sets, which you can purchase at MarsCon Dementia dot com.

Songs played:
Raise The Game – Rob Balder
Song Of A Six Million Dollar Man – The Nick Atoms, featuring Carrie Dahlby
Beating On Grandma – Throwing Toasters
Platform Wars – Devo Spice, featuring the great Luke Ski
Calculator In My Bum – The Chris Waffle Experience
Happy Happy Joy Joy – the great Luke Ski, featuring Cirque du So What?

Episode length: 27:22

Episode #032 – The Cuddle Vortex

Amazingly, this episode is a short one at only just over an hour and a half. We’ve discovered that the secret to making short episodes is to go into them with virtually no content whatsoever. How little content you ask? In this episode we call Ken and ask him to update us on the NFL Playoffs. Seriously. We did. Then we paused the podcast so we could watch clips of the 90’s sitcom “Herman’s Head” so we could discuss it on the air. You think I’m lying for comedic effect, but I’m totally not. There’s a song based on one of last week’s News of the Stupid stories by Possible Oscar, as well as songs by the awesome Mike Phirman, the Beastie Boys, and Rebecca Drysdale. Also in this episode we discuss the formation of a league of awesome character actors, and Carrie recounts her magical trip to the Five Star Indoor Swap Mart. We hope you’ll find this episode satisfyingly electrifiable.

Episode length: 1:32:37

Episode #031 – The Snort Of Subconsciousness

Carrie told Josh and Luke that they were going to go to Chipotle for dinner, and then she made them go to Noodles & Company instead. The fact that this episode of our podcast has music by Carrie Dahlby, Judy Tenuta, Adam Sandler, and Brian Posehn does not change the fact that Carrie’s unwillingness to take a one minute walk around the building to the other side where the entrance to Chipotle was on this not-as-cold-as-it-has-been-lately evening meant that Josh and Luke were deprived of their burrito-riffic deliciousness. All Luke could think about as he wrapped up his recurring bully story segment, discussed the future of finance as it relates to Napster and Star Trek, and explained why he was standing in his bedroom in the dark for 5 minutes in the middle of the night 2 days ago, was the spicy chicken shaped void in his gullet, and just how cold and bleak the winter solstice really can be… …He also thought about how by the time he got home his in-laws will have finished installing the new dishwasher and garbage disposal. So, Happy New Year everyone!

Episode length: 1:42:18

Episode #030.5 – Big Bag Of Disturbing (Part 2)

Welcome to our 2010 Christmas episode that is so big, we split it into 2 parts. In it, we do a complete dramatic performance of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. Starring: the great Luke Ski as Scrooge, who spends the whole time being an old media curmudgeon saying ‘Bah Humbug’ to kids who aren’t willing to pay for things that are high quality and have great value because they’re all a bunch of iGeneration hipster douchenozzles; Carrie Dahlby as the spirit of Jacob Marley, who scares Scrooge into helping her move out of her apartment; special guest host Insane Ian as Bob Cratchit, who Scrooge begrudgingly lets take the day off from his job getting berated by cell phone customers who want him to replace broken cell phones that may or may not exist; with music from Flat 29 as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future who convince Scrooge to go to the Flat 29 Spreadshirt Site and get some fine quality new Flat 29 T-shirts featuring art by Luke Ski. There’s also music from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog”, “Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas”, Buster Poindexter, and the newest holiday FuMP tracks from Luke and Ian. God bless us, everyone!

Episode Length: Part 1 – 1:14:24, Part 2 – 1:13:07