Episode #030 – Big Bag Of Disturbing (Part 1)

Welcome to our 2010 Christmas episode that is so big, we split it into 2 parts. In it, we do a complete dramatic performance of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. Starring: the great Luke Ski as Scrooge, who spends the whole time being an old media curmudgeon saying ‘Bah Humbug’ to kids who aren’t willing to pay for things that are high quality and have great value because they’re all a bunch of iGeneration hipster douchenozzles; Carrie Dahlby as the spirit of Jacob Marley, who scares Scrooge into helping her move out of her apartment; special guest host Insane Ian as Bob Cratchit, who Scrooge begrudgingly lets take the day off from his job getting berated by cell phone customers who want him to replace broken cell phones that may or may not exist; with music from Flat 29 as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future who convince Scrooge to go to the Flat 29 Spreadshirt Site and get some fine quality new Flat 29 T-shirts featuring art by Luke Ski. There’s also music from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog”, “Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas”, Buster Poindexter, and the newest holiday FuMP tracks from Luke and Ian. God bless us, everyone!

Episode Length: Part 1 – 1:14:24, Part 2 – 1:13:07

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Episode #029 – Flat Something-or-other

Welcome to episode 29, in which we don’t mention or talk about Flat 29 at all. Well, not after the first few minutes, anyway.

With Carrie needing more time at home to get to work on packing for her move to the suburbs, this episode has only a couple of appearances by her. Her fill in co-host is “Blasted Bill” Putt of Dementia Radio and the Pod Of Destiny, who happened to be in town.

In this episode, Bill talks about his Demento-taping days and of schoolyard injustices from his past. Luke spills the beans on his new wheels, and tells some funny and humiliating stories from his youth (note: the most embarrassing pic of Luke ever taken, to the left).

There’s also News Of The Stupid, songs by Paul & Storm, ItsTheReal, & Steve Martin, and True Tales Of Ignorance From The Caricature Stand: Black Friday 2010 Edition!

Now stop reading this text and start listening, you have a train to catch…

Episode length: 1:57:39

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Episode #028 – Pump Out A Unit

George Carlin referred to the act of child birth as “pumping out a unit”.

In that spirit, we’ve cranked out another episode so short that its content goes little beyond Luke & Carrie telling you all what they’ve been up to over the past 2 weeks (nerdcore shows, WindyCon, positive credit checks, etcetera).

Also in that spirit of womanhood, all 4 songs this week are by female artists, Judy Tenuta, Garfunkel & Oates, Molly Lewis, & Julie Brown. So, you know, girl power, and all that.

Pictured left: Carrie with Dan Savage of “Savage Love”

Episode length: 1:24:03

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Episode #027 – Carrie Potter and the Encounter at Farpoint

In this Election Day episode we’re celebrating both a happy Halloween, and a happy 27th episode by playing some new spooky tunes and discussing “Weird Al” Yankovic, respectively.

Yes, this episode is another long one at 2:21, but this time we have less talk and more rock since for this special occasion we DOUBLED THE SONGS for this episode! So get ready for  some great funny tunes featuring the likes of Insane Ian, Kiki Canon, Devo Spice, Schaffer The Darklord, the great Luke Ski, Haakon Sundry, Rob Paravonian, David O’Doherty, The State, & Whatfor.

We also respond to your lengthy comments, report on News of the Stupid without playing “Freebird” man, reminisce on bullies from our pasts, and Luke tells of a horrifying caricature request from a 10 year old boy.

Yes, this episode has all the signs of being above tolerable.

Episode length: 2:21:17

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Episode #026 – Carrie Sobs Incessantly While Luke Giggles

Welcome to our Bad Rapport 1st Anniversary Episode in which we don’t mention the fact that it’s our first anniversary anywhere at all. It’s just another episode that is longer than it should be. At least we are back to our more-prepared ways, with News of the Stupid in full effect. We spend most of the episode recapping our weekend at Con on the Cob, which has a comedy music track chock full of fun and awesome acts. We play songs by Shisho, Palette-Swap Ninja, Flat 29, and the first and last song by 5-person supergroup Carrie’s BaldSki PowerBox. Also, Luke discusses his newest fanboy shrine, and Carrie pets kitty cats. Yep, back to normal for us.

(Note: Carrie is not in this picture because she was the one taking the picture. And no, there aren’t any veggies on my plate. Bad Luke.)

Episode Length: 2:15:32

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Episode #025 – GROOMSDAY

If I weren’t so aversed to having long episode titles, I would have named this episode “Luke Talks About His Wedding For Two And A Half Frakking Hours”. This one came in at 2:29, our longest regular episode ever (and only 3 minutes shy of beating the special CdSW/LOST episode).

So, you know how weddings are all long and boring? Well, now you can recreate that yourself in the privacy of wherever the Hell you are by listening to this podcast in which Luke drones on and on about every minute detail of his wedding, reception, honeymoon, and Archon. Carrie also exists, and occasionally says things, and we do another very phoned-in News of the Stupid (We promise to get back on our A-game by our next episode, when we’ll be celebrating the 1st Anniversary of Bad Rapport).

This episode also has cameo appearances by 13 different dementia personalities, and music and such by Rob Balder & Tom Smith, Chris Mezzolesta of Power Salad, Luke Ski, Monty Python’s Spamalot, and more. I hope that all makes it something you can stand listening to.

Oh, and Sara Trice is my wife now, she was the bride in that whole wedding dealy. Dig that, huh?

Episode length: 2:29:00

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Episode #024 – No Farting On My Podcast

So, you know how for every episode I write a thing here where I joke about how bad the episode is? Well, this time, it’s that, minus the usual show preparation. You know, the outline planning, the News of the Stupid joke writing, all the stuff that makes our show tolerable? All of that went bye-bye this week, because I am too busy preparing for my wedding which is in 4 days. Speaking of which, the comedy music tracks we play on this week’s show which are by Digital Underground, Brak, Adam Sandler, and Worm Quartet are 4 songs that I’d like to play at the wedding ceremony or reception, but would be deemed inappropriate by anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Our good friend Ken “Madman” Sherlock joined us for this Skyped episode, with occasional cameos by Carrie’s flatulent husband Josh, and my soon-to-be-wife, the very lovely smelling Sara. The good news, at 1 hour and 23 minutes, it’s one of our shortest episodes ever. Thank God for small miracles.

Episode length: 1:23:19

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Episode #023 – Chicken On My Dashboard

Low content, low energy,  lo the many minutes of precious life you’ll waste listening to this episode.

With the exception of a track by Rina-chan sent to us by a listener, all the music this week is by Carrie and/or Luke, including the first finished track picked by you, the Bad Rapport listeners, from “U Pick Luke’s FuMP” from episodes 17, 18, & 19.

As well as phoning in News of the Stupid, we talk about the toys of our past, Luke’s suggestions for new crass and tacky wedding traditions to replace the old crass and tacky wedding traditions, and we learn who America’s first female president was. It’s not Luke’s fiance Sara Trice, who also makes an appearance in this episode, but it should have been.

Now hurry up and listen to this episode before I put it out as a CD and try to sell it to you.

Episode length: 1:42:07

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Episode #022 – Plants Vs. Carrie’s Attention Span

What’s in this episode? Comedy tracks by Flat 29 (yes, again, shut up), Rachel Bloom, The Dead Alewives, The Guild, and Digital Underground. There’s an incredibly biased review of Luke’s latest product offering “What A Ripoff! Volume 2” by loyal Bad Rapport listeners Crazy St. Louis Fanboy & Fangirl. Be sure to get your bong ready, because  we totally expand your mind with deep talk of philosophy and video games, and Luke shoves a burrito down his pants in public. You know, fine art and all that shiz, mo-fo.

Cartoon image of Luke & Carrie by TV’s Kyle from his webcomic Frog Raccoon Strawberry.

Episode length: 1:54:06

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Episode #021 – Dizziness Development

At the request of Royal Carrie (see pic left) we hit the holiday road and recorded this episode at Six Flags (formerly Marriott’s) Great America in Gurnee, IL, coincidentally located right across the street from one of Luke’s main caricature stand drawing spots.

Between rides we give a 44 minute report on GenCon Indy (see Wil Wheaton photobomb left), Luke spies on his caricature competition and what he finds shocks, amuses, and befuddles him, and we do a quick review of Insane Ian‘s new album “The Last Arcade”.

We also have music by The Guild, Run DMC, some classic Great America park theme songs, and the epic musical conclusion of our pan-Atlantic podcast love-fest with Flat 29.

If that’s not enough, we’ve turned this week’s News of the Stupid into a game! So ‘game on’, and be sure to visit Six Flags Great America, the place to go when your family can’t afford to go to Disney World that year!

Episode length: 1:52:31

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