Episode #040 – Easter Makeover: Luke Edition

Yes, that is a picture of me dressed as the Easter Bunny. There’s not much else to say beyond that. I suppose I should say that this episode contains the shocking truth of what exists in the crawlspace beneath Carrie’s house, the sordid tales of PenguiCon 9.0, and all the comprehensive sports coverage you’ve come to expect from us. There’s also songs by the great Luke Ski, MC Frontalot, The Key Of Awesome, and Team America World Police. But the main thing to remember is me dressed in a bunny suit. Hopping around your yard, in the middle of the night… hiding things… Just try and keep that image out of your nightmares. Sweet dreams, suckers.

Episode length: 1:38:35

9 thoughts on Episode #040 – Easter Makeover: Luke Edition

  1. I don’t usually have a chance to listen to the FUMP podcast. This podcast is awesome. So I am a badrapport listener. Have submitted a couple of the News of the Stupid.

  2. Wait…you are afraid of getting hit by a ball…..but you like dodgeball? Ok….
    So what type of excersize do you two do to go with your weight loss plan?
    Stlfanboy and I have cut down on soda to cut calories and so we understand Luke being tired. It really makes you realize how much caffine affects you.

  3. Count me among those who listens to Bad Rapport but not the FUMP Podcast. I’ve decided not to add anymore podcasts to my subscription list for the time being due to the fact that I have trouble keeping up with the ones I have now. The only exception I’ve made so far was adding the Moral of the Story podcast, but that’s because one of the hosts of that show is a real-life friend and former co-worker.

  4. The music in the background for the first part of the sports segment I identified only as “that one song we played in band”. Not to be confused with the many many other songs with the same descriptor. I think it was part of the football-themed field show we did in marching band, so was it something relevant?

    I never liked dodgeball. Trying to avoid getting hit by things doesn’t appeal to me. And trying to throw a ball with any degree of accuracy has never been a strong point either.

  5. I just have to say thank you for at least trying to spare my feelings. Intermittent, that’s a good word for the streaming. Shitty as all fuck is also a good way to put it. 😉

    Good to see you again at the con Luke, sorry you weren’t there Carrie…

  6. Luke,
    so VERY sorry i was not at 2am hot tub time(hot tub o’clock). I was asked the question many times on sunday and the question was sprung on me in the extra podcast time of the TEM podcast. There is only ONE thing that would stop me from going to the hot tub at 2 am saturday night of penguicon. that one thing happend…….need a hint? i was in my room, i was not sleeping, i was not alone. that is all i will say for now, more news to come later, btw this news will prolly vastly effect summer plans.

    in response to your statement about luke claiming acknowledgment of things and ideas, i’m about 80% sure the idea for “one night a quarks bar” was actually mine. my recollection was that me luke and steph were at a restaurant and the original either was playing or had just played and luke and i were talking about ds9 and the idea popped in my head. I sang out and luke said that’s awesome i need to do that. The memory is hazy enough that i could be wrong. either way luke did an awesome job on the song and that was the important part. perhaps luke you can tell us your memories about the song as a origins of.

    Squirrel Girl,
    My family goes through about 20 puzzles every winter. my mom is obsessed, but not very good. i let her and my dad get the edges and a few middles peices done and make them try for a few days, then i come in and finish the rest in about 2 hours. zing

    show picture no worky on the zune ): pout. comment way longer then intended as always. btw, funny ass ep and i LOLED many times. course several jokes were aimed directly at me. yay! by n’stuff

  7. First of all, thanks for the mention! I’m sorry the show wasn’t more well-assembled, it’s just of all the eventualities I had planned for, a complete lack of equipment was NOT one of them. Next time, I’ll at the very least bring a boom box with an audio input so we can fake us some speakers if we need to.

    As far as the riffing, you were awesome and we appreciated the help. I wasn’t sure if we were going to “encourage” crowd riffs beforehand, but one of our riffers had a panic attack and ran away, and while I had a lot of my own riffs planned beforehand, but it turns out most of my jokes were riffs off the bad dialog, so without speakers they were sorta lost on everyone.

    Also, Korea.

  8. The movie was from South Korea. Audio setup could be better. As for myself I’m going to have a Luke Ski Moment. I started a video podcast called the Radical Geek. The address is radicalgeek.wordpress.com. Did some shots from Penguicon with an interview with Tom Smith.

  9. Rrg. You probably already recorded ep 41. But Krav Maga (Mah-gah) is an Israeli martial art form.

    “Ten – to – one” sounds like a Douglas Adams character. Like she was conceived in a queue at Fenchurch Station.

    Please don’t talk about what video games you’re playing anymore. I avoid 99% of video gaming/nerd podcasts for that exact reason.

    I kinda liked that Smithee thing Saturday night. I was at least something to do in lieu of the dance that was(not).

    So.. would you say that Galloping Ghost is… an Arcade Gaming Shrine?

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