Episode #110 – I Know How Hats Work

LCBR110Everyone seen in the image for this week’s episode appears in this podcast. Yes, including the badly-photoshopped-in ones. That would be (top row, left to right) Devin Lucas of the film “Under The Smogberry Trees”, Kornflake of the podcast “The Flopcast”, Chris Mezzolesta of “Power Salad”, Insane IanTony Goldmark of the webseries “Some Jerk With A Camera”, Sara Trice, Jared Rosenfeld, Morgan Funder of the webseries “The Idiot’s Lantern”, Carrie Dahlby, (bottom row) Lindsay & Kyle Carrozza a.k.a. TV’s Kyle, Pluto, & Luke Ski. Okay, technically you don’t hear Pluto speak in this episode, because he was instead asked to heel, sit, and roll over. Why the cast of a dozen and a 3-hour podcast? Because Sara and Luke along with many others traveled to the L.A. area to be a part of Kyle & Lindsay’s wedding, so the opportunity was seized to have a get-together and record some podcasty goodness for you all. Part one of the show takes place at Morgan’s parent’s house. During these segments, the panel discusses the validity of Gallagher, the recent near-arrest of the ‘Some Jerk” production crew, and we ponder a group cosplay as the cast of “The Critic”. After a very brief recording from the wedding itself, part two takes place at Goofy’s Kitchen in the Disneyland Hotel with Luke, Sara, Chris, & Kornflake. And part three was recorded back at home on Skype with Carrie, where Luke recaps the whole trip for her and you. This episode’s tracks are by Joe Piscopo, the great Luke Ski, Tony Goldmark & Kyle Kallgren, The Bus Boys, The Consortium Of Genius, TV’s Kyle, Donita Smith, They Might Be Giants, Worm Quartet, & T.J. Miller. Also, near the beginning of the show, Chris, Luke, & Tony recount a delirious night back in 2001 when they along with “Blasted Bill” Putt and Keith “Keeterman” Rose recorded dozens of I.D.s for their respective shows on Dementia Radio. Since it was brought up, I edited in several of those classic I.D.s into this episode following all the songs. Knowing that, you’ll now only be slightly less confused than you would have been when you hear them. So we hope you enjoy the show, and again, many congrats and much love to two of Bad Rapport’s favorite people ever, Kyle & Lindsay! 😀 Episode length: 3:04:00


1 thought on Episode #110 – I Know How Hats Work

  1. Thanks for sharing Kyle & Lindsay’s wedding with us, Luke. Or, at least, the bits around it. Loved the greetings, but it leads me to ask, when can we get another track from Kobi LaCroix on the FuMP???

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