Episode #068 – Ermahgerd Behrd Rehpehrr

Ermahgerd, we actually managed to record a whole episode in one day! Will wonders never cease. In this episode…

Carrie talks about her & Alex’s trip to visit Megan…

Luke talks about his new merch debuting at GenCon, a LukeSkiCon update, and of course their new team-up song at the FuMP

We review the TV shows “The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes”, “The Sarah Silverman Program”, and “Rescue Me”…

And we talk about our days in the 4-H club.

There’s also News of the Stupid, and comedy tracks by the great Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby, The Jerky Boys, Hard & Phirm, Donald Glover, Chris Hardwick, 3 Pints Gone, and Flat 29. So thanks for tuning in for another episode of Luhrke & Cehrrys Behrd Rehpehrr!

Episode Length: 2:40:53

9 thoughts on Episode #068 – Ermahgerd Behrd Rehpehrr

  1. Luke I know it can be hard to lose weight, but I have lost weight and want to help. Just need to track what you eat, count calories and exercise. I use a program on my smart phone that’s called MyFitnessPal. I have gone from 255 lbs to 228 lbs and hope to get down to 195 lbs. I hope that you do and succeed getting down to your ideal weight.

  2. Luke, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes current;y has a 2nd season airing on Disney XD, with those episodes availible to watch on demand. I assume they’ll be put on Netfilx when the season ends.

    As for shows I’d recomend, if you haven’t yet, I suggest the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. All the episodes are of YouTube if you’re interested. http://www.youtube.com/user/tmntuploader/videos?view=1

    Carrie, I’ve been told by my parents that I used to roll as my way of transportation as well. This may mean he may never crawl, he’ll just roll everywhere until he’s ready to walk.

  3. If Luke doesn’t have a problem with subtitles, there’s a great little anime on Hulu that I’ve fallen in love with called Fruits Basket. Yes, I wrote that right. The basic premise is, a young girl who recently lost her mother stumbles across and ends up becoming a live in cook for a family with a curse on them that causes them to briefly turn into an animal from the Chinese zodiac when embraced by a member of the opposite sex. The series (as well as the Manga it’s based on) is geared mainly for teenage girls, but I, who am neither of those things, still enjoy it immensely. It’s only 26 episodes, all of which are at about 24 minutes, give or take a few seconds.

  4. It was scarey awesome that you have the 4H motto mesmerized Luke. I was in it a few years, as a farm kid it was purity much required. I learned all about showing and cutting up pigs. Which makes me a bacon expert so 4H was totally worth it. I never saw 4H do anything as awesome as clown school though. I know they did/do a lot of other things, but it was always full on livestock with our group.

  5. Hey Luke,

    Here’s some absolutely must watch shows…

    1) The Walking Dead (get caught up…)
    2) Game of Thrones
    3) Hell on Wheels
    4) Hatfields and McCoys (mini-serries)
    (and if you are not caught up on them…)
    5) Torchwood
    6) And of course the newer Dr. Who series

    I’m also told that the Clone Wars cartoon is very good, but I haven’t been able to dedicate any time to it yet.

  6. The more I listen, the more I wish this was a video podcast just so I could watch Alex (and Luke) during it. Carrie is good to watch too, but Alex being cute and Luke being silly to entertain Alex is what I want to see.

  7. Hi Luke.

    As Carrie said, just cause I don’t comment, doesn’t mean I don’t listen 😛

    ANYWAY, as Mr. Tuesday said, A:EMH is finishing up it’s current season on Disney XD. Only the 1st season is on Netflix, and once the new eps are on DVD, they’ll be up there too. Sadly, they have not renewed the series, as Disney and Marvel are starting a NEW Avengers show that directly ties into the film universe they’ve laid out. I personally don’t see the point, but whatevs. Also, in case you forgot, comedy musician (and occsional FuMPer thank to Moneyshot Cosmonauts) Wally Wingert voices Hank Pym/Ant-Man on A:EMH!

    And the two Avengers animated movies were titled Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2, and were based on Mark Millar’s (Wanted, Kick-Ass) run on the “The Ultimates”, what they called the Avengers in the Ultimate comics continuity. Ultimate Comics is Marvel’s alternate universe, where Spider-man is a teenager…or rather, Peter Parker is a DEAD teenager and a half-black/half-hispanic kid named Miles Morales is now Spider-man, and where Nick Fury looks like Samuel L Jackson…which is why it was SO AWESOME they actually got him cast in the flicks. For more proof of how awesome this is, watch the Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD TV movie (or rather, please don’t) starring David Hasselhoff as Fury. Yes. That happened.

  8. You were recording your show talking about 4-H at the same time I was working the 4-H food stand with my daughter at the county fair.

    Carrie – concerning boy scouts, I certainly understand where you’re coming from, and I would never advise you to anything against your conscience. I’ve been involved with boy scouts for about 10 years now, and have been the scoutmaster for our local troop for 3 years. Within the rank-and-file, the homosexuality controversy is really a non-issue. I’ve never once had a discussion that even touched on the issue.

    Boy Scouts isn’t for everyone (I was in 4-H, and not scouts when I was young). For instance, Luke talked about liking baseball because he was “supposed” to like baseball, and boys that get into scouts because they’re “supposed” to like it generally don’t last long. However, for those who do like the outdoors-y activities, there are not many organizations that let boys be their normal (many would say “ADHD”) selves. There are opportunities for boys to be a little competitive and rambunctious (within limits) that they normally don’t get other places.

    On top of that, becoming and Eagle Scout is one of the few things you can do as a minor that has a real meaning in the adult world. For instance, I’ve been on scholarship review committees, and having “Eagle Scout” gives a real impression of purpose and accomplishment that few other achievements seem to match.

    I’ll get off my soapbox now, but I’m just asking for you not to throw the baby out with the bathwater – it’s not floating face-down yet.

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