Episode #048 – The Wiggle Game

The picture accompanying this episode is the only photographic remains of a notebook I kept for almost 20 years that was stolen last weekend in Chicago (click on the image to see a full size version). The full details of the theft are recounted in this episode. Also in this episode, Carrie tells us her thoughts on suburban life, and her trip to the finest emergency rooms that Michigan has to offer. Also there’s News of the Stupid and a veritable cornucopia of music by the likes of Luke Ski, Family Guy, The Simpsons featuring Flight Of The Conchords, Cossby Sweater, Cirque du So What?, The Lonely Island, and the Band Of 1,000 Names. And by popular demand, Luke takes out his frustrations by talking smack about caricature customers who are cheap, drunk, and/or ignorant, or possibly all 3 simultaneously.

Episode length: 2:01:11

Episode #047 – Ignorance Is The Whole Show

The first half of this episode was recorded at Luke’s merch table at the Can’t Stop The Serenity event at the Portage Theatre in Chicago last weekend, where we met our new friend, Dr. Allison, shown here with the chibi art Luke drew for her as a reward for being the person who was the most excited to see Luke & Carrie at the event. In this episode we discuss who Luke is the boss of (nobody), and Carrie tells of her exhaustive training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We also have News of the Stupid, and comedy tracks by Cirque du So What, The Lonely Island, The Muppets, and Matt Nathanson covering the Muppets. Yes, Bad Rapport, where the enthasis is on correct spelling and word usage, basically.

Episode Length: 1:43:34

Episode #046 – That’s Mighty White Of You

This episode has special guests “Blasted Bill” Putt, Ken “Madman” Sherlock, and Josh “Country Bear Jamboree” Rasey. We recap GenCon Indy 2011, improvise a new Randy Newman classic, and wrap up our TransFormers coverage from Episode #44. There’s also News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski featuring Dan of Flat 29, Cirque du So What featuring Carrie Dahlby, and Tony Bacala featuring the Malachi Brothers. While this episode does not feature Sara, it does feature a pic of her with me on fire. Always a crowd-pleaser. Speaking of crowd-pleasers, mynew album “BE AMUSED BY ME” was just released on MP3 and CD format, so buy a copy today, dammit!

Episode length: 1:45:44

Episode #045 – Nerdapalooza, Naked-Style!

6 WEEKS WITHOUT A NEW EPISODE? ARE YOU FRAKKING KIDDING ME?!?! By the looks of the picture, it seems that Luke and Carrie have been ‘on the wonk’ the whole time. Our summer hiatus was not intentional, and we intend to make up for it by posting 2 episodes this week. This one was mostly recorded over Nerdapalooza 2011 weekend in Orlando, Florida, featuring special guests Devo Spice, Insane Ian, and Josh Rasey. We also have some News of the Stupid, and songs by Dual Core, Schaffer The Darklord, and Koo Koo Kanga Roo. I’d come up with a clever ending for this paragraph, but I don’t have the time to because I have to prep for Episode 46 which we’re recording in 2 hours.

Episode length: 1:26:31


WARNING: THIS EPISODE IS OVER 4 HOURS LONG! Seriously, it really actually is. This week, our hosts Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby, along with special guests Jered “Mr. Tuesday” Perez, Ben “BreakMan Z” Bruinooge, and Josh “Mr. Dahlby” Rasey discuss the history of the TransFormers, from the original 1984 cartoon & toy line through to today, literally, as we give our instant review of the film “TransFormers: Dark Of The Moon”. Our regular segments (News of the Stupid, Comments, and the usual pluggery) have all been postponed until the next episode, but we do have comedy tracks and other TF-related songs by Black Lab, the great Luke Ski with the Nick Atoms, Whimsical Will, Tony Bacala featuring the Malachi Brothers, and Stan Bush. So, you’re allowed to skip this episode if you have no interest in listening to 5 grown-ass adults spend 4+ hours talking about the 27 year history of a toy line and cartoon/film franchise about alien robots originally marketed to 10-year-old boys.

Episode length: 4:18:46

Episode #043 – Deservedly Not Nominated

Suddenly, Carrie and Luke found themselves recording a regular episode of their podcast in a pretty regular way at their regular date and time. This was unexpected this week, but it happened nonetheless. Hopefully it will have been worth it in some way. You’ll hear Luke tell tales of cutthroat games of Pictionary, Carrie tells us that the movie “Tree Of Life” sucks and should be avoided at all costs, and you’ll find out which one of our hosts stole things from a business they were paid to protect. Also, Luke bears his soul and for the first time on this podcast goes into detail about the first creative passion of his life, and makes an offer to the listeners to get a chance to experience it for themselves. There’s also News of the Stupid, and comedy tracks by Groucho Marx, George Carlin, Green Jello, and They Might Be Giants. Years from now, when you remember listening to Bad Rapport, will you say to yourself  “those were the best days of my life”? Probably not.

Episode length: 2:06:21

Episode #042 – Mostly Harmless

You don’t need a babelfish in your ear to understand that we are going to be making several blatant references to “Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy” simply because this is episode #42. In this episode, our hosts Carrie Dahlby and Luke Ski talk about life, the universe, and everything, as well as their respective trips to cities on Highway I-35 (Duluth and Kansas City), and play the newest songs that they created / wrote and posted last week at the FuMP dot com. The recurrence of News of the Stupid makes this podcast only slightly more tolerable than Vogon poetry. Just ask Marvin, he’ll vouch for us. And don’t forget your towel.

Episode length: 1:37:47

Episode #041 – A Very Unenthusiastic Duck

Get ready to turn the energy down as low as possible for this short-for-us episode. In it we discuss High Tea… high school Forensics meets where plagiarism is not only encouraged, it’s the law… and, uh, that’s about it. We do have News of the Stupid and comedy tracks by the Lonely Island, Larry Miller, Green Jelly, and Possible Oscar. Also, there’s a kitty,  there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty, there’s a kitty!

Episode length: 1:32:11

Episode #040 – Easter Makeover: Luke Edition

Yes, that is a picture of me dressed as the Easter Bunny. There’s not much else to say beyond that. I suppose I should say that this episode contains the shocking truth of what exists in the crawlspace beneath Carrie’s house, the sordid tales of PenguiCon 9.0, and all the comprehensive sports coverage you’ve come to expect from us. There’s also songs by the great Luke Ski, MC Frontalot, The Key Of Awesome, and Team America World Police. But the main thing to remember is me dressed in a bunny suit. Hopping around your yard, in the middle of the night… hiding things… Just try and keep that image out of your nightmares. Sweet dreams, suckers.

Episode length: 1:38:35

Episode #039 – Audio Genius Ninja Ears

This is the second episode in a row where the image posted with it is of Carrie and her cat Willow. However, this is the first episode where I attempt to attach the image to the MP3 file so that it appears on your player while you’re listening to it. So let me know if that worked. In this episode we talk about the video games we’ve been playing lately, dieting, and working on art for a living. There’s also News of the Stupid, and songs by Flat 29 with Luke Ski and Carrie D., Positude, Mikey Mason, and Adam English. Normally I make these descriptions longer and wittier, but I can’t think of anything like that to add, so I’ll just stop.

Episode Length: 1:45:21