Episode #066 – Sprite And 7up Taste Identical

In this episode, we start off with Carrie telling us an awesome anecdote, and then she takes us through a current day-in-the-life of her and Alex. Luke tells about DeepSouthCon, and plays the audio of his acceptance speech when he won the 2012 Logan Award for “Outstanding Parody Song” of 2011 for “Snoopy The Dogg”!

Luke would also like to remind everyone who is going to GenCon Indy in August to please go buy a specific $2 ticket for his Saturday night 9 pm concert, which is ENT1232218.

We also have News of the Stupid and music by Devo Spice featuring Carrie Dahlby & Chris Mezzolesta, Worm Quartet, the great Luke Ski live at Nerdapalooza 2011, Neil Patrick Harris, & Rhett & Link.

Episode length: 2:08:12

Episode #065 – Kyle And Luke Talk About Cartoons, While Carrie Is In Arizona

It’s been 3 months since Kyle and Luke commandeered this podcast to dominate it with talk of things animated, and the current Rasey-Dahlby southwest sojourn has opened the window for another opportunity to do so. This time around, the how has three distinct components. Part 1: Luke & Kyle talk about obscure TV cartoon shows of the 80’s and early 90’s that society has completely forgotten about. Part 2: Show creators versus the broadcast companies that are providing them with a TV show: Where is the fair place to draw the line when it comes to control? Part 3: We talk about some of our favorite current working voice actors. We forego almost all of the usual Bad Rapport recurring segments, but we do have cartoon related comedy music tracks by TV’s Kyle & Worm Quartet (donate to his Kickstarter!), and music from Kidd Video, AlfSpongebob SquarepantsStrawberry Shortcake, Ren & Stimpy, Futurama, Beavis & Butthead, and Teen Titans (Puffy Ami Yumi). Until next time, no more tabby pot pie for me before bedtime.

Episode length: 2:52:48

Episode #064 – Dr. Spaceman

After 4 episodes recorded mostly on my Zen player at Carrie’s house, we finally return to recording at Luke’s house on his computer with his good microphone. To maximize Carrie-comfort (TM), I brought the mic into the living room so she could sit on the couch and tend to Alex while we recorded. In this episode we call Ken, Luke wraps-up his amazing Kickstarter results, and breaks down his disorganized list of ideas for “LukeSkiCon” for all the people who donated. We also do a general review of the sitcom “30 Rock“, have News of the Stupid, and play tracks from the new Tenacious D album, as well as a track by steampunk nerdcore rapper Professor Elemental (special thanks to Number 11 for sending his CDs my way, amongst other much more significant things),  a live track by Schaffer The Darklord from the Nerdapalooza 2011 live CD (an album which I am also on), and the last two Lonely Island tracks from SNL. The image with this episode is a caricature I did of Alex for Carrie for Mother’s Day, because baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby.

Episode length: 2:14: 47

Episode #063 – Rent-A-Baby

This episode is done in a style that I like to call “thrown together quickly”. We start off with a quick visit with Blasted Bill and Moonbeam of Pod Of Destiny fame recorded just after PenguiCon. Then we jump ahead to Luke & Carrie in the Wisconsin Dells following their visit to the Twin Cities so baby Alex could meet his grandparents and great grandparents. We recap the trip as well as PenguiCon and Luke’s day at the Ultimate Marvel Marathon. Then we return home to Josh & Sara and wrap up with News of the Stupid and remind people to please donate to Luke Ski’s Kickstarter, because if it hits the stretch goal of $5,500, we will throw “LukeSkiCon” featuring the “FuMP Fest” concert in Chicago (see website for details, Kickstarter ends on May 19th). We also have comedy & music tracks by Mikey Mason, Power Salad, Steve Martin, Wyatt Cenac, Brak, and Digital Underground, and a drawing of Carrie and Luke as ducks for no reason.

Episode length: 1:38:47

Episode #062 – Post-Natal Freestyling

Luke Ski here. I have a Kickstarter campaign I just launched to raise money to buy myself the Audio/Video equipment I have always wanted to have for my live concert performances. You can watch my pitch video, learn what nifty prizes you can earn, and donate (if you can), at the Kickstarter.com page for “Luke Ski’s AV Concert Rig”.

This is another Bad Rapport recorded with Luke’s Zen player in Carrie’s living room as she tends to the lactation-related needs of 7-week-old Alex. Once Alex is a little older, we’ll try to get back to recording our shows at Luke’s house, so thanks in advance for your understanding if the sound quality is sub-par. In this episode, we talk about seeing Nerdist Podcast live, Luke reports on MarCon, and Carrie finally reviews the ‘Boob Tree’/’Eat Poop You Cat’/whatever-that-game-is-called cards from the 17-person round played at MarsCon 2012. (Note: I edited 72 minutes of that down to about 6 minutes.) You can see the cartoony highlights we discuss on the show drawn by Lindsay Smith, TV’s Kyle, and Luke Ski here: BOOB TREE MARSCON 2012. There’s also News of the Stupid, and awesome tracks by Power Salad, Cirque du So What?, Scooter Picnic, Devo Spice featuirng Worm Quartet, Brak, The Main Street Singers, Adam Warrock, and the Guild.

Episode length: 2:01:12

Episode #061 – Unmoisten My Nipples

Hey! We actually recorded an episode that’s like one of our usual episodes before this whole “miracle of creating human life” stuff started a month ago. In this episode Luke publicly discusses parts of his body that were hacked off and sent away for testing, and talks entirely too long about how he spent entirely too long shopping for shoes. Meanwhile, Carrie provides sustenance for Alex (a new regular feature on our show), and encourages/discourages belching among the males in her presence prejudicially based on their age. So unfair. We also touch upon a few remaining bits of MarsCon 2012 business (see the featured art by Bad Rapport fan Whitney), and we use Superhorse’s retcon technology to transport you all to the night Cirque du So What recorded all the material for the “Stupid Cowboy Thing” albums. We also have News of the Stupid, some classic stand-up comedy tracks by Richard Jeni, and comedy hip-hop by LL Cool J, 3rd Bass, Anthrax, Partners In Kryme, Vanilla Ice, and Mitt Romney. Word.

Episode length: 2:29:11

Episode #060 – Live From Lombard, It’s Alex Rasey!

This episode lacks our usual segments like News of the Stupid, Comments, and most of our end-of-the-show stuff, due to newborn-related inconvenience. Here’s what it does have: The first and most significant part consists of Carrie recounting the events of Alex’s birth day. Joining us is her temporary live-in baby-helper, Moonbeam of the often recorded but rarely posted podcast “Blasted Bill & Moonbeam’s Pod Of Destiny”. And since one hyperactive blonde child isn’t enough for this podcast, we have her son Ferris as well as Luke. The second part consists of the trio of adults discussing their favorite bits from the current run of Saturday Night Live. The third part was literally copied and pasted from Episode #92 of the FuMPcast, where Luke Ski, Devo Spice, ShoEboX, Chris Mezzolesta, and Insane Ian recap MarsCon 2012 (so if you already heard it, you can skip the last 45 minutes of the show). We also have comedy tracks by Garfunkel & Oates, The Arrogant Worms, Da Vinci’s Notebook, MC Frontalot, Carrie Dahlby, SNL, and Cirque du So What? from their new album “Stupid Cowboy Thing – Volume 2: Additional Squid”.

Speaking of new albums, we just released “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport: Best Of 2011” album! It’s one CD with just under 80 minutes of highlights from our 2011 podcast episodes, featuring appearances by our spouses, friends, colleagues, and sometimes Carrie hits Luke and you can hear it. A lot.  It’s only $9.99 plus shipping for the CD with MP3 download, or you can just get the MP3 download for only $4.99! So please support the show and pick one up today. Do it for President Baby.

Episode length: 2:47:54

Episode #059 – Kyle And Luke Talk About Cartoons, While Carrie Has A Baby

Yesterday, which was Leap Year Day 2012, at 1:55 pm Carrie Dahlby gave birth to Alexander David Rasey, 8 lbs 4 oz, 21 inches long. He has blonde hair & greenish/brownish eyes, and Carrie says he looks just like his Daddy, Josh Rasey. Much congratulations and hugs to both of them.

This podcast starts with a recording with Carrie, Josh, and Ken done on Carrie’s birthday at Potbelly. It then time jumps to yesterday when I recorded an impromptu rest-of-the-podcast with special guest TV’s Kyle. This may come as a shock to you, but in this episode, Kyle and Luke talk about cartoons. Specifically, Kyle’s current and past experiences in the field of television animation production, and they rundown all the big cartoon movies of 2011. Also, with Leap Day 2012 being the 20th Anniversary of “Ray TV”, Luke talks about that for, like, an hour, which feels like another freakin’ Leap Year itself. Click here to watch the 2-minute video referenced in that discussion.  We also have News of the Stupid, and music by Scooter Picnic, Flat 29, and Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake. Hope to see all of you who aren’t having babies at MarsCon 2012.

Episode length: 2:53:00


Episode #058 – No Genocide For Me

There aren’t a lot of podcasts out there that post a show on Valentine’s Day with the word ‘genocide’ in the title I’d bet.

Anyway, In this episode, Carrie tells us of Alex’s continuing expedition down the birth canal, Luke talks about the 27 million projects he’s working on, we both discuss the dream jobs we wanted when we were kids, and we do a sloppy unprepared review of an excellent album, “Secret Handshake” by Flat 29.

There’s also funny music by Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Jesus H. Christ and the 4 Hornsmen Of The Apocalypse, and a song from “Smash” written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman performed by Megan Hilty.

So cuddle up by the fire with your significant other and do the nasty while listening to Luke Ski promote MarsCon 2012. I know nothing makes me hornier.

Episode length: 1:50:58

Episode #057 – Eat Poop You Cat

You’d be surprised how many times when I get to this step in the podcasting process, the typing of the description of the episode, I have a complete feeling of apathy and am in no way in the mood to write something pithy there in an attempt to entertain you, the few listeners who actually care enough to come to this page itself and read these things. This is one of those times. This episode has News of the Stupid and funny music by CB4, Lucas, Digital Underground, Carla Ulbrich, and Flat 29, partially depicted here in cake form. Apparently you can fake a cake on the make. Incidentally, their new album “Secret Handshake” just dropped, you should get it.  However, if you haven’t bought the MarsCon 2012 Dementia Track Fund Raiser album by now, then our ancestors fought and died in the Revolutionary War for nothing. Nice job. Oh, and in this episode Carrie and I talk about stuff, like this article about movies.

Episode length: 1:51:18