Episode #056.5 – MarsCon 2012 Dementia Track Fund Raiser Preview

This is not a regular episode of Bad Rapport, this is a commercial forMarsCon 2012 and this year’s Dementia Track Fund Raiser 3-CD & MP3 sets, which you can purchase at MarsCon Dementia dot com.

Songs played:
Get Our Geek On – Possible Oscar
Dead Fragglz – Worm Quartet, featuring Possible Oscar
Avada Kedavra – Steve Goodie & Nuclear Bubble Wrap
I’m Not Your Personal I.T. Guy – Devo Spice
Pac-Man Is Naked And So Should You – Worm Quartet
Why Having Kids Is Fun – a Soggy Potato Chips cover by Gifted Gear
Achievement Unlocked – Insane Ian
Zombies On Your Lawn – Carrie Dahlby

Episode length: 33:05

Episode #056 – Fruits Of The Boob Tree

At this point Luke’s brain is so mired in MarsCon 2012 preparations that he forgot to mention that he had the #1 song on Dr. Demento’s Funny 25 Countdown of 2011. You can read all about it at Luke’s LiveJournal. In this episode, Carrie talks about her High School Drama Club experiences, Luke unsuccessfully tries to impose a New Year’s resolution on Carrie, and the two of them get into an argument about which of the two of them has been trying to retcon their past dating relationship out of the continuity of this reality. We also have comedy & music tracks from Insane Clown Posse, the great Luke Ski, Dan Telfer, and George Clinton. Not to be confused with “Snoopy The Dogg”. OKAAAAY!

Links to the images from the two examples of the “Boob Tree” drawing/phrase guessing game discussed in this episode are here: EXAMPLE #1, EXAMPLE #2. Coming very soon to this podcast feed: The MarsCon 2012 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD/MP3 album Preview!

Episode length: 1:50:34

Episode #055 – Think About Goats

In this episode we play a lot of great comedy music recently posted at the FuMP by the great Luke Ski, Scooter Picnic, Devo Spice, and Ookla the Mok, as well as a couple of funny tunes by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff and Jessica Frech. In News of the Stupid we report on culinary counter-insurgents; Luke rants about dumb public speaking cliches, the non-obscurity of Yukon Cornelius, and post-hypnotic suggestions planted in 22-year-old music videos that still trigger a Pavlovian response in him to this day; and Carrie talks about DuhanCon, the hotness of David Tennant, and tells Sarah about her magical nipple mole. You know, the usual. Thanks for a great 2011, we’ll see you all on the other side of the calendar.

Episode length: 1:45:13

Video Episode #002

Over a year and a half after the video debut of our truncated yet puppet-tastic episode of our podcast “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport”, we at long last have finally finished our follow-up episode, and this one is even more chock full of awesome comedy songs by some of your favorite acts from the FuMP! We also have News of the Stupid, we meet the respective spouses of Luke & Carrie, and we reinforce the supposition that some of these comedy music acts should probably look into getting a restraining order against Luke Ski considering how much time he puts into making fanboyish tribute music videos of their songs without their knowledge. (Warning: Some NSFW language, you might want to wear headphones just to be on the safe side).

Episode length: 17:58.

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnnPZW7v13E

Episode #054 – Blatant Wish Fulfillment

I was very tempted to start this description with the phrase “Don’t listen to this episode”. The reason for that is because all of the discussion content is about a series of comic books I wrote and drew from 1987 to 1996, so if you haven’t read them (and you haven’t) most of this episode will be completely meaningless to you. The upside is that there are several special guests on this episode who did read the comics (Carrie, Sara, Josh, Ken, Jered, Breakman Z, Sean Ennis, Blasted Bill, and TV’s Kyle), and they tell me what they thought about them, the good, the bad, and the cringe-inducing embarrassing. This episode does have News of the Stupid and comedy tracks by Nancy White, The Four Postmen, National Lampoon, Adam Warrock, The Consortium Of Genius, The Doubleclicks, Insane Ian, The Muppets, TV’s Kyle, and a rare old Luke Ski song that makes even less sense than all the other stuff you don’t have any context for at all. If this episode doesn’t do anything for you, I sincerely apologize. But hang in there, the next thing we’ll be posting here will be a real treat, we promise. Thanks for listening, and don’t forget each Wednesday to wish your history teacher a ‘Happy Gnome Day’! (See? You’re not going to understand any of this.)

Episode length: 2:35:05

Episode #053 – MUPPETS SPECIAL

It’s time to get things started for the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational, this is what we call the BAD RAPPORT MUPPETS SPECIAL, done in commemoration of the new full length feature film “The Muppets” written by and starring Jason Segel. In this extra-long PG-Rated episode, we cover the entire history of Jim Henson’s Muppets from 1955 all the way through to 2011 with the current Muppet Studios productions being done at Disney, as well as what’s happening over at The Jim Henson Company. Along the way, we have over 90 minutes of Muppet music & comedy to tickle your funny bone on our nostalgia trip, along with a couple of tribute songs by Tom Smith and yours truly the great Luke Ski.

Before we get to that, Carrie and I do a truncated version of our regular podcast with reports on Halloween, ContraFlow, and WindyCon, another News of the Stupid report, Luke talks about entering a bizarre art contest, and Carrie tells of her & Josh watching a pre-natal puppet show. However if you’re just interested in the Muppets content, skip ahead to the 55 minute mark of the podcast, that’s when the Special starts.

Hope you all enjoy the show, be sure to go see “The Muppets” in theatres, and for the record the big purple witch in the 1971 Muppet special “The Frog Prince” was named Taminella. (Cue Zoot’s final sax note.)

Episode length: 4:49:04

Episode #052 – The Lettuce Lice

OOOoooOOOoooOOO!!! Happy Halloween everyone! This episode is chock full of scary comedy tracks by Mad Trivia Party, Insane Clown Posse, Travesty LTD., Caryl P. Weiss, Rockapella, Thurl Ravenscroft, Barenaked Ladies, and Carrie Dahlby with the horrifying real-life story of the creature growing inside her body which is trying desperately to get out! Also in this episode, Luke tells about some of the epic Halloween costumes of his childhood which were lovingly sewn & constructed by his mother while Sara sews him a new one.

So it’s Podcast Time! C’mon, grab your friends! We’ll go to very distant lands! Luke the Ski, and Carrie the dainty, the fun will never end, it’s Podcast Time!

Episode length: 1:55:26

Episode #051 – A Pound Of Goo

Want to know the gender of Carrie’s forthcoming child? Well then this is the podcast for you! Also in the episode: Luke crawls up his own ass again at length as he discusses the results of the 2011 Luke Ski Top 50 Poll with Ken, Josh, and Susan; Luke & Carrie report on Con on the Cob 2011 and the Logan Awards; and at the very end of the episode a there’s a special guest appearance by TV’s Kyle so he and Luke can talk about cartoons for a few minutes. There’s also News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski, Flat 29, Avenue Q, Sean Cullen, Brave Combo, and The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band. Please check out the image below to see Luke’s 2 proposed potential track listings for his “Greatest Hits Volume 2” collection and let him know which one you think is better. Also, MANIC MONDAYS has returned! So go subscribe to its podcast feed for a weekly dose of even more comedy music and News of the Stupid!

Episode #050 – Formula For Stupidness

You’d think we would have planned something special for Episode #50, instead of the exact opposite, which is planning absolutely nothing, which is what we did. Regardless, we somehow ended up with a nearly 2 hour episode in which Luke reported on his 3 recent gigs, and Carrie also said things about stuff using words that came from her mouth. We do a slipshod version of News Of The Stupid, and play comedy tracks by Rob Balder, Patton Oswalt, Leslie Fish, and Seth MacFarlane. So, yeah. This.

Episode Length: 1:53:47

Episode #049 – The Pink Sensation

In this episode we throw the spotlight on Carrie and ask her 80 questions about movies, TV, books, money, music, games, and sex. Then we accidentally stumble into some content by discussing our thoughts on a 3rd “Ghostbusters” film, and Luke does a spontaneous review of “The Smurfs” movie. Yes, Luke saw “The Smurfs” so you didn’t have to. We also have News of the Stupid and music by the great Luke Ski, Kornflake, Da Yoopers, Ken Bishop’s Nice Twelve, TV’s Kyle, The Nick Atoms, and Mondo Boffo and Scorpio. Luke also shows some art TV’s Kyle did 19 years ago (see below), and presents an earworm even more insidious than other recent popular earworms, because this 5 second tune is played repeatedly for hours upon end in his workplace. Suffer, fools!

Episode Length: 2:12:04