Episode #095 – So So So So Kind

At the time we recorded this episode, we didn’t realize that this would be the last one posting before Christmas, which is why we never brought it up. But since it is, we’ve stuffed a few extra tracks into our Christmas comedy music playlist, including songs by Stephen Colbert, Moneyshot Cosmonauts, Richard Cheese, Worm Quartet, TV’s Kyle, Jonathan Coulton, BaldBox, Sponge Awareness Foundation, Consortium Of Genius, and Insane Clown Posse.

On this episode we dig deep into Luke’s psyche in ‘Neurosis of the Month’, we talk about obscure movies we love (in particular “Brain Donors”), and we read your comments and play your voice mails about our huge 10th Anniversary episode last month.

Check out Luke Ski’s shiny new Bandcamp page, LukeSki.bandcamp.com, where for a limited time he has all his merch on sale for the holiday shopping season, including Bad Rapport Best-Of CDs for $2.99 each!

Be sure to get your comments in here and by calling 916-LUKE-SKI. Thanks for listening, and we wish you the happy holiday of your choice! 🙂

Episode length: 1:33:38

Episode #094 – What The Format?!

Much like a timelord who recently celebrated his 50th anniversary facing his moment of regeneration, change is inevitable. That’s why for a number of reasons which are explained in this episode, we are altering the format of “Bad Rapport”, making each episode shorter by cutting the number of our talking segments in half, but keeping the same amount of comedy music. We’re going to make a specific effort to have our talk segments be concentrated discussions of what we’re up to, as well as the media reviews we have been lacking lately, recording them away from home so we’ll have no toddler-ruptions. We hope that the result will be a much more entertaining, interesting, hopefully occasionally funny, but at the very least much more tolerable show for you to listen to every 2 weeks.

In this episode, we recap what we’ve been up to since mid-October, we review Plants Vs. Zombies 2, SNL, and Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., and read your comments from Episode #92. We also have comedy music by Whitney Avalon & Jonathan Hurley, 2D6, Howard Wolowitz (performed by Simon Helberg, written by Garfunkel & Oates), The Buckwheat Boyz, Insane Clown Posse, ShiSho, Rob Paravonian, Kill The Band, and Schaffer The Darklord.

I hope you all like new format. Please leave us comments letting us know what you think of it here, or by calling 916-LUKE-SKI, which we’ll respond to in 2 episodes, because that’s the way we do it now.

Episode length: 1:32:05

Episode #093 – “LUKE & CARRIE: 10 YEARS” SPECIAL

October 25th, 2013 was the 10th Anniversary of the day Luke Ski met Carrie Dahlby. To mark the occasion, Luke & Carrie went to a restaurant sans spouses, children, and their respective friends, so they could sit down and recount their history together. Circumstances led to them needing 3 separate sessions of this kind to complete the story. Luke trimmed it down a bit in post, and added songs that Luke & Carrie consider significant to their history. Those songs would be by the Fat Boys, Gee As In Jesus, the musical “Chicago“, Da Vinci’s Notebook, The Crest, “Buffy: The Musical“, Monty Python’s “Spamalot“, Flat 29, and the cast of “Red Dwarf“.

Yes, it’s long, but it needed to be. I hope you’ll all take the time to listen to this special episode, and see the comments section for some bonus images and a playlist so you can make your own “Luke & Carrie: The 10th Anniversary Compilation Album” for your iPod.

Thanks for listening. Love, ~ Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby, October 25th, 2013

Episode length: 3:33:54

Episode #092 – Ceiling Fan Aficionado

If you’re wondering why cartoon Luke & Carrie are dressed up as Firefly characters in this episode’s image, you’ll need to go read the guest strip Luke did for TV’s Kyle’s webcomic “Frog Raccoon Strawberry” to find out. Speaking of Kyle, this week marks the launch of a new podcast born from Bad Rapport & the FuMPcast, the long awaited “Kyle & Luke Talk About Toons” podcast! You can get the RSS feed for Episode #1 at KyleAndLuke.com, and this Bad Rapport episode kicks off with a review of our inaugural Toons episode by Jered “Mr. Tuesday” Perez, who also joins Luke in a recap of this year’s Archon.

This week also marks the 4th birthday of Bad Rapport, but we’re saving all that kind of mush for the next episode. For now, Carrie recounts her recent trip to the Twin Cities with her husband Josh and Alex the uber-toddler while Ken stands nearby. Then Luke presents her with a gift and gives us an update on his much ballyhooed ‘mixtaping’ project. We also have comedy songs by Nuclear Bubble Wrap, Rolf Harris, and some Halloween goodness from the Nightmare Before Christmas, MC Hammer, the Fat Boys featuring Robert Englund, and Schaffer The Darklord, whose new album “Sick Passenger” is an incredible mix of hip-hop, comedy, storytelling, darkness, and redemption. The sooner you go to his bandcamp page and buy it, the better.

Episode length: 2:39:05

Episode #091 – YouLickPoo

In this episode we are joined by Ken ‘Madman’ Sherlock, because why call him on the phone when you can have him there in person?

This week, Luke shows Carrie and Ken the BatDad video on YouTube; We do a non-spoilery review of “The World’s End”, we talk about comments “Blasted Bill” Putt made about Luke on on his podcast “The Pod Of Destiny” regarding why Luke never gained notoriety and success neither in the mainstream nor on the internet (Bill is correct about this); Carrie reveals her toddler’s paranormal abilities; Luke explains why he always roots for the underdog and other related neurosis; and cosmic karma finally catches up with Luke at his caricature stand.

We also play comedy tracks by Tony Goldmark, Garden Fresh, Matthieu Chedid, The Wonders, Insane Ian, Neil Patrick Harris, Lemon Demon, Sean Cullen, Jimmy Fallon, and Ylvis. So check out yet another episode of Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport: More bad, less rapport!

Episode length: 2:19:32

Episode #090 – FormalSick

Shockingly, this episode contains no convention recaps at all, and no toddler interruptions until at least half-way through the episode. In this episode, we talk about KFC food innovations, uneventful summer camp memories, outfit-based illnesses, and we start a new segment, “Luke’s Neurosis Of The Week”. We also discuss the recent disappearance of one of Luke’s favorite foods of all time, Mrs. Grass Chicken Noodle Soup. So if you have any in your area, please obtain it and send it to Luke immediately. Another thing you should obtain and send to Luke immediately is the 1982 K-Tel “Just For Laughs” LP. Our comedy tracks in this episode contain a heavy amount of T.D. Mischke, who recently retired from talk radio after 22 years on the air. We also have tracks by Michael Crouser, Pudding Capacity, Liam Lynch, Stephen Lynch, Avenue Q, Mike Phirman, DuJour, and The Gomers. Hope you all enjoy it, and until next time, bye-bye microphone.

Episode length: 2:28:11

Episode #089 – Popeye Calves

Yes, this is a picture of Darkwing Duck, not Popeye. Whatever.

This episode was recorded all on the same day, and edited quickly so that I could upload it while I went out for the night. In this episode, Luke recaps OsFest and GenCon Indy 2012; Carrie gives us an updated day-in-the-life breakdown, and we do a non-spoilery review of “Kick-Ass 2”. Also, in this episode, Luke shares a couple of thoughts he had recently that made Sara declare him some kind of megalomaniacal douchebag. Will you agree with Sara? Tune in and find out.

This episode has comedy tracks by the Chad Mitchell Trio, Moulin Rouge, the Lonely Island, 2GE+HER, and Insane Ian featuring the Stacey.

And if you have a copy of the 1982 K-Tel “Just For Laughs” LP that you’re willing to sell me, please let me know.

Episode length: 2:26:34

Episode #088 – Funny Balls

This episode was edited using a process commonly referred to as ‘throwing it together in a big God damn hurry’, so that I could post it before I left for Omaha. I was successful, in that I was able to start uploading the MP3 to the server from home before I left, and am now posting it to the feed from a hotel room in Coralville, Iowa.

In this episode: Luke tells a few caricature stories which are low on humor and high on Luke yelling like a maniac; we read people’s comments on Puppet Video Episode #3, “Worst Tribute Ever”, and LukeSkiCon 2013, including the longest comment ever in recorded history by Kornflake of the Flopcast; Carrie and I do a track-by-track analysis of “Worst Tribute Ever”, and play a few more tracks from it by Blythe Renay of the Damsels Of Dorkington, TV’s Kyle, and The Chris Waffle Explosion; there’s also a quick recap of CONvergence, and tracks by Insane Ian and Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer.

Feel free to leave us more comments here on Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport Video Episode #3, because I haven’t received enough praise on it yet, dammit! Comments! The emotional currency that give artists the feeling of worth! Hooray!!!

Episode length: 2:43:07


Episode #087 – LukeSkiCon 2013: Uncut

It’s the night before CONvergence, and I’m using my last bit of time and energy before I go to bed to post our huge 3-hour LukeSkiCon 2013 Wrap-Up episode. All the music in this episode is songs from the 2-CD set “Worst Tribute Ever (a tribute to the great Luke Ski)”, which is available now at the store at thegreatLukeSki.com under compilations both in CD and MP3 format. The tracks in this episode are by Worm Quartet, Devo Spice, Flat 29, Scooter Picnic, Tony Goldmark, and Crush Groove featuring Seamonkey.

Also in this episode, Carrie tells us about her 5 mile hike during the Chicago Gay Pride Parade, and we read your comments from the past 2 episodes. Speaking of comments, please leave us comments telling us your favorite things about LukeSkiCon 2013, and/or what your favorite tracks are from “Worst Tribute Ever”! Let’s keep the positivity and excitement rolling as we gear up for FuMP Fest 2014!

Episode length: 3:09:15

Episode #086 – Robble Robble

The newest puppet creation, “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport Video Episode #3” is now up on YouTube, featuring the folks who donated $200 or more to Luke’s Kickstarter last year. You can watch either the full length version, or the version that’s just the songs.

Part one of this episode was recorded on May 30th (four weeks ago) at Carrie’s house with Alex. In this part we were under the impression that we’d be finishing another full episode before LukeSkiCon 2013. We were wrong.

Part two of this episode was recorded live on stage at LukeSkiCon 2013. In it, Carrie tells us what shade of pink she’s wearing, and Luke busts out some True Tales Of Ignorance From The Caricature Stand.

Part three was recorded the following day at Sweet Tomatoes in Lombard with special guest Jared Ringold of the Scope. In it, we briefly discuss the surprise of the century, which Carrie Dahlby revealed to Luke at LukeSkiCon 2013. That being, that she produced a 2-CD 100 minute tribute album titled “Worst Tribute Ever”, featuring over 2 dozen tracks of covers of Luke Ski songs by his comedy music colleagues of the FuMP!

You can get both “Worst Tribute Ever” and the new “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport: Best Of 2012” CD at the store page at thegreatLukeSki.com under compilations. And, if you’re one of the first 17 people who orders both of those CDs, Luke will throw in a copy of the Bad Rapport “Best Of 2011” for FREE!

This episode also features tracks by Stan Freberg, Carrie Dahlby, the great Luke Ski, and the Lonely Island. Coming soon, the full convention report on “LukeSkiCon 2013”.

Episode length: 1:14:31