Episode #114 – Biohack Your Chipmunks

LCBR114It’s the last day of 2014, so Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby wrap up the year by telling us what they’ve been up to this holiday season, featuring Carrie’s entrance into the Audubon Society, Alex’s adorable Christmas morning squee captured on audio, and Luke completely forgetting Jennifer Lawrence’s name.

The comedy tracks this time around are by The Muppets, Peter Lind Hayes & Mary Healy, the great Luke Ski, Insane Ian featuring My Parents Favorite Music, Homer & Jethro, Steve Goodie, Devo Spice featuring Power Salad, Mitch Miller, Daffy Dave, Plucky Duck, The Colbert Report, & Shock Treatment.

So be kind to your web footed friends, for a duck may be somebody’s mother. Be kind to the denizens of the swamp, where the weather is very, very damp. Now you may think that this is the end. Well, it is.

Episode length: 1:53:30

Episode #113 – Squirrel Family Options

LCBR113It’s our annual Christmas episode, which means it’s extra-stuffed full of funny holiday-related tracks from the likes of Paul & Storm, Phineas & Ferb, The Nick Atoms, Hot Waffles, Stephen Colbert, Elephant Larry, Epic Rap Battles Of History, the great Luke Ski, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Patton Oswalt, Garfunkel & Oates, Smooth-E, Richard Cheese, St. Nick, & Devo Spice, and of course Alex the blonde-haired toddler.

For the first time in several months, Luke & Carrie were actually able to get together at a restaurant so they could record a podcast face to face, far away from other distractions and far close to bacon and nachos. In this episode: Carrie tells us of a creepy random encounter with a middle-aged man at a train festival, Luke instigates podcast inception by playing for Carrie a recording of TV’s Kyle talking on the FuMPcast as a means to break some awesomely good news to her, and Luke & Carrie both discuss comedy songs of theirs from the past that didn’t get as much fan love or specific attention as they thought they should have (not that we’re complaining, we’re just pondering why for the purposes of creating quasi-interesting podcast content for you all).

We also tell some ignorance stories and find out what happens when the pendulum of ignorance swings to the entirely opposite extreme, and read your comments from the past 2 episodes. So grab your hot cocoa, or your gelt, or your reindeer jerky or whatever, and enjoy the one episode of the year that’s unapologetically chock full of holiday onslaught.

Episode Length: 2:49:50

Episode #112 – Cranberry Sauce Investment

LCBR112This episode kicks off with with our latest recurring segment in which Alex sings a song: “Blue Mountain Mystery” from the Thomas & Friends movie of the same name.

Then we finally cover the results of the Luke Ski Top 50 Poll for 2014 in a level of detail that only egotistical self-fan like the great Luke Ski would enjoy.

We wrap up with Carrie bringing us up to speed on things involving nap inconsistency, dry ice, and the circle of life playing out just outside her kitchen window.

This episode’s comedy / music tracks, some of which are from the year 2004, are by Randy Quaid, TV’s Kyle, Insane Ian, Epic Rap Battles Of History, the Nick Atoms, the Crest, Shock G, the Arrogant Worms, and the Consortium Of Genius. Until next time, happy Thanksgiving to you and all your birds, squirrels, and chipmunks.

Episode length: 2:03:13

Episode #111 – War Mess

LCBR111Happy Halloween everyone! This episode features some creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, altogether ‘ooky’ comedy tracks from Robin Williams, Big Daddy, Scooter Picnic, mc chris, The Count, Winnie The Pooh, MC Frontalot, featuring Jean Grae, Insane Clown Posse, the great Luke Ski, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Lewis Black, Epic Rap Battles Of History, MC Lars, & Max DeGroot, that final track (and this episode’s art image) coming from the new “Halloween With The FuMP” compilation album, available now as a CD and a download from the FuMP store, featuring many other tracks played on Bad Rapport on Halloween’s past!

Aside from all that awesomeness, Carrie tells us of her continuing efforts to find the right pre-pre-school for Alex, Luke recounts a recent caricature gig which again put him an awkward position resulting in much internal frustration and injustice rage, and Alex sings a song about a piggy. So, again, Hoggy Halloween!

Episode length: 2:30:32

Episode #110 – I Know How Hats Work

LCBR110Everyone seen in the image for this week’s episode appears in this podcast. Yes, including the badly-photoshopped-in ones. That would be (top row, left to right) Devin Lucas of the film “Under The Smogberry Trees”, Kornflake of the podcast “The Flopcast”, Chris Mezzolesta of “Power Salad”, Insane IanTony Goldmark of the webseries “Some Jerk With A Camera”, Sara Trice, Jared Rosenfeld, Morgan Funder of the webseries “The Idiot’s Lantern”, Carrie Dahlby, (bottom row) Lindsay & Kyle Carrozza a.k.a. TV’s Kyle, Pluto, & Luke Ski. Okay, technically you don’t hear Pluto speak in this episode, because he was instead asked to heel, sit, and roll over. Why the cast of a dozen and a 3-hour podcast? Because Sara and Luke along with many others traveled to the L.A. area to be a part of Kyle & Lindsay’s wedding, so the opportunity was seized to have a get-together and record some podcasty goodness for you all. Part one of the show takes place at Morgan’s parent’s house. During these segments, the panel discusses the validity of Gallagher, the recent near-arrest of the ‘Some Jerk” production crew, and we ponder a group cosplay as the cast of “The Critic”. After a very brief recording from the wedding itself, part two takes place at Goofy’s Kitchen in the Disneyland Hotel with Luke, Sara, Chris, & Kornflake. And part three was recorded back at home on Skype with Carrie, where Luke recaps the whole trip for her and you. This episode’s tracks are by Joe Piscopo, the great Luke Ski, Tony Goldmark & Kyle Kallgren, The Bus Boys, The Consortium Of Genius, TV’s Kyle, Donita Smith, They Might Be Giants, Worm Quartet, & T.J. Miller. Also, near the beginning of the show, Chris, Luke, & Tony recount a delirious night back in 2001 when they along with “Blasted Bill” Putt and Keith “Keeterman” Rose recorded dozens of I.D.s for their respective shows on Dementia Radio. Since it was brought up, I edited in several of those classic I.D.s into this episode following all the songs. Knowing that, you’ll now only be slightly less confused than you would have been when you hear them. So we hope you enjoy the show, and again, many congrats and much love to two of Bad Rapport’s favorite people ever, Kyle & Lindsay! 😀 Episode length: 3:04:00


Episode #109 – Crusty Hummus

LCBR109The Halloween spirit has arrived a little early this year, as Carrie tells us the creepy true story of the recent visit she and Alex made to a ‘Waldorf’ Preschool which she was seriously considering enrolling Alex in. That is, until she discovered that Alex would have been better off with a preschool run by Joe Carroll. I realize none of you get that joke pop-culture reference because I am the only person watching “The Following”, but trust me, that was funny. #kevinbacon Anyway, that takes up the first half of this very Carrie-centric episode. She also weighs in on the recent Bad Rapport episode Luke did with Stephanie in the Wisconsin Dells, and we have a sing along with Alex while he’s engaged in waste removal.

Also in this episode, Luke talks about going ‘camping’ with his in-laws, we read your comments from the last episode, and we play comedy tracks from Jonathan Coulton, Patton Oswalt, Adam Sandler, Whitney Avalon, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Shock G, Mike Guthrie, Pat McCurdy, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Doug Walker & the great Luke Ski. Speaking of which, Luke will soon be re-doing his “Luke Ski Top 50” Poll to determine his most popular songs among his fans, so be sure to repeatedly listen to his latest album “4th Grade Talent Show” on CD, MP3, or for free at Bandcamp so you know which tracks you’ll want to mark on the poll as personal favorites of yours. Listen as often as you like, and feel free to heckle the album as much as you want. There is no Statler of limitations. #statler #waldorf #wockawocka

Episode length: 2:27:53

Episode #108 – PlungerQuest

If you enjoy listening to people wander aimlessly around a department store searching for a hand-held suction device, then this is the podcast for you! In this episode, Luke Ski fills us in on the incredibly busy August he had with reports on his one-day solo vacation to the Magic Kingdom, Orlando Nerd Fest 2014, Gen Con Indy 2014, and his family’s trip to the Wisconsin Dells where he got his picture taken as an armed steampunk manaic, as pictured here. We also hear a caricature gig story that was recorded on Luke’s hand-held voice recorder last month when he had lunch at Real Chili with his old pal Mike Guthrie. Carrie tells us about the process of moving her mother-in-law Karen into the house, and we read your comments from the past 5 episodes which we’ve been sorely neglecting due to being distracted by everything we’ve been doing all summer.

In this episode we play comedy tracks by T.D. MischkePatton OswaltWorm Quartet“Weird Al” YankovicHomer HendersonDevo Spice, and a couple of tracks from the great Luke Ski‘s new album “4th Grade Talent Show”. If you have a review of 4GTS, please leave it as a comment here, and we’ll read it in a future show. So sit back and become our… ‘Target audience’. Insert picture of Fozzie Bear smiling here.

Episode length: 2:18:16


Episode #107 – Backhoe Inception

Carrie and I recorded this episode on August 5th. My intention was to edit and post it that night before I began my 2-week sort-of tour to Orlando Nerd Fest 2014 and Gen Con Indy 2014, so you guys would have a new episode to tide you over until I got back. Well, due to being busy with preparations before and during both these events, that didn’t happen, and you’re getting this episode 2 weeks later, negating the whole point of trying to get the episode recorded before I left town. That’s the way the cookie’s best laid plans of mice and men, crumbles, uh, shit happens.

Anyway, in this episode, Carrie and Luke talk about what other things they’ve been up to all summer. Carrie moved her family into a new house, dyed her hair, marched in the Pride parade, sang Ren Faire music, took Alex to see the dentist, Muppets, hot-air balloons, and put out a new album. Meanwhile Luke began some sessions of serious therapy, went to Buffalo, learned CPR, saw both Rifftrax Sharknado and Monty Python at the movie theater, watched “Scrubs” in its entirety, and put out a new album.

This episode’s comedy tracks are by Paul & Storm, Worm Quartet, featuring Insane Ian, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Meghan Trainor, Twenty Trucks, Kermit the Frog & Rowlf the Dog, Scott Bradlee’s Saturday Morning Slow Jams, Rob Paravonian, Monty Python, Lazlo Bane, “Blasted Bill” Putt, Zach Braff & Donald Faison, Meatus Murder, Garden Fresh, & Epic Rap Battles Of History.

You can get Luke’s new album “4th Grade Talent Show” and Carrie’s new album “Sing All Funny Jokes” at our respective Bandcamp pages, assuming the image for this episode didn’t scare you so bad you had a massive heart attack and died.

Episode length: 2:01:04

Episode #106 – Luke & Stephanie’s Good Rapport

When Luke Ski’s ex-wife/best friend Stephanie called him to ask if he’d be willing to join her and her boyfriend Thor on a one-night trip to the Wisconsin Dells staying at the Wilderness Resort to celebrate her birthday on July 3rd, Luke said he’d do it on the condition that during the course of the day she’d be willing to let Luke turn on his Zoom H2 and record an episode of Bad Rapport with her which he’d save and post later in the month when he knew both he and Carrie would be too busy (finishing his album and moving into her new house, respectively) to get together to record an episode. So, that’s what this is.

The first two-thirds of the episode were recorded over dinner at Buffalo Phil’s Pizza & Grill, where Luke & Steph discuss many of their past road trips across the country, including the tour-chasing they did back during the “Running With Scissors” Tour. Speaking of “Weird Al” Yankovic, Luke & Steph also try to make some predictions as to just what songs will be in the polka medley on Al’s new album “Mandatory Fun”, which is available now. Spoiler alert: I do play one track from the new album in this episode, so if you’re trying to avoid spoilers, it’s the first track following the second segment, so skip ahead 4 minutes.

The final third of the episode is an audio travelogue of the main strip of the Wisconsin Dells, starting at the Mobil Station in front the entrance to the Kalahari Resort on Hwy 12 just north of I-90/94 Exit 92, following Wisconsin Dells Pkwy north. After 4 miles, they turn right onto WI-13 N/WI-16 E and head into the downtown area, where they made a discovery so epic that to go into any detail will spoil the podcast magic, ending their 5 mile journey at another Mobil Station at 802 Broadway.

Comedy and music tracks in this episode (besides the ones by the aforementioned Alfred) are by the great Luke Ski featuring Carrie Dahlby, Eminem, Raymond & Scum, Pat McCurdy, South Park, and Shawn Patterson & Sammy Allen. This episode brought to you by the Wisconsin Dells Visitor & Convention Bureau. Okay it isn’t, but it might as well have been.

Episode length: 1:34:14

Episode #105 – FuMPFeST 2014

Sometimes it’s hard to think up clever titles for these episodes, and sometimes it just makes sense to title the episode after its primary subject matter. This is both of those times in one. The FuMP .com‘s first convention of its own, “FuMPFeST 2014” is in the history books, and it went really freakin’ well. The first part of this episode was recorded live on stage at FuMPFeST during the Podcast Panel, and features appearances by Josh and Alex, making his live stage performance debut. The second part was recorded at Buca Di Beppo where for the first time ever, all 6 hosts of Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport, Blasted Bill & Moonbeam’s Pod Of Destiny, and the Flopcast all recorded a segment together, forming the “Bad Flop-port Of Destiny-cast”! After that, we skip ahead 2 weeks to when Carrie finally got a chance to sit down and review everything that happened at FuMPFeST from her point of view, with Luke interjecting with some highlights. To hear a full super-detailed account of FuMPFeST 2014, go listen to the FuMPcast Episode #211.

This episode features comedy tracks by the Sponge Awareness Foundation, Garden Fresh, Tony Goldmark, Power Salad, Logan Whitehurst, Worm Quartet, Robert Lund & Spaff, Moonbeam, Carrie Dahlby, Insane Ian, Spike Jones, the great Luke Ski, and Kranken Welpen. Please leave us comments on this and our other recent episodes, and we will read them all in Episode #107. (And in case you missed it, go check out the MarsCon 2014 Boob Tree Card images we discussed on Episode #104, the images are now up there.) For right now, Carrie has to move into her new house and I have an album to finish, so we’ll talk to you all again next month, DEMONITES!

Episode length: 2:14:06