Episode #104 – Ritualistic Crud

It’s been 7-and-a-half weeks since the last episode of Bad Rapport, which I believe is the longest stretch of time we’ve gone without posting an episode since we started. I could list off all the things that kept us from having the time to record, edit, & post new episodes, but that would just waste futher time, and most you already know why anyway. One benefit of this expanse is that there are now 2 new Luke Ski songs that did not exist before our last episode. One done with Insane Ian, and one done with Carrie Dahlby, both of which are heard in this episode, along with comedy tracks by Chris Hardwick, Positude, Dino-Mike, Eddie Izzard, and TV’s Kyle featuring Lindsay Smith.

The first segment of this episode is our annual recap of the MarsCon “Boob Tree” game. I edited down our conversation to just the funniest parts, and if you’d like to see images of the cards we discussed, check out the comments for this episode.

The second and main part of this podcast was recorded on May 30th as Carrie and her husband Josh were driving out to, and back home from, their 5th Anniversary dinner at Vio Veneto, the restaurant at which they were married. Not many weddings have a bubble machine, a dance move called ‘the hyperactive flamingo’, and a full-blown dementia concert, but theirs did. Hear all about it, and wish Josh and Carrie a happy 5 years of blissful height discrepancy.

Episode length: 1:45:06

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Episode #103 – Home Center Dubstep Sale

We’re back to our rebooted format for another episode where we recap everything we’ve been up to since the last time we recapped everything we’ve been up to. Can you say Sisyphus? Alex probably can, and he is heard in our first segment where Carrie tells us all the funny things he has said and done lately, including writing some new funny songs of his own. Luke tells us about Chi-Fi, taxes, his game plan for his 11th album, his mental heatlh and being the Easter Bunny. We also talk about the making of the music video for Power Salad’s “Corned Beef & Cabbage” done for his 50th birthday.

This episode’s tracks are by The MuppetsGarfunkel & OatesWhitney Avalon & Jonathan HurleyCircus Box 21Joe DolceTony GoldmarkSteven Universe, and My Parents Favorite Music featuring Leslie Rising. Luke also tells some caricature ignorance stories and they read your comments. So give us a listen, and don’t forget the horseradish now.

Episode length: 1:50:13

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Episode #102 – Overreacting Is Your Jam

As much as I have been trying to stick with the new show format which would hopefully produce episodes that are about 90 minutes long with one third of that time being comedy music, some things just can’t be covered quickly. One of those things is our annual coverage of MarsCon, which is our only topic of conversation in this almost 3-hour long episode. This year’s MarsCon saw the return of Carrie Dahlby to the main stage for her own 30-minute concert, as well as Luke’s first performances of “Fake Adult” and “Because Of Bob”. Oh, and did we mention that Dr. Demento was there along with Meep Morp Studios, and that both Luke & Carrie were interviewed for the Dr. Demento documentary “Under The Smogberry Trees” which they are making? Yeah. That, and the whole rest of the weekend, was just incredible.

Among the MarsCon talk we have comedy tracks by Sparrow Folk, TV’s Kyle featuring Insane Ian and Austin Aeschliman, Ylvis, Devo Spice, Tina Fey & The Muppets, Carrie Dahlby, T.J. Miller featuring Bo Burnham, Patton Oswalt, The Confabulation Of Gentry, and Power Salad. So get comfortable and prepare to have your earholes filled with Luke Ski & Carrie Dahlby’s recap of the epicness that was MarsCon 2014.

Episode length: 2:57:59

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Episode #101 – Healthy As A Healthy Horse

It’s been a whole 2 months since Luke & Carrie sat down at Apollo Grill to talk about what they have been up to lately. There’s so much to discuss that we decided to put off our recap of MarsCon 2014 and Luke’s FAWM album until our next episode. We recorded 3 segments, which once I started editing this episode made more sense to present in our old episode format. So this one’s just over 2 hours, but it has a lot of great music by the likes of the great Luke Ski, T.J. Miller with various guests, Mike Phirman, Thomas The Tank Engine, Carrie Dahlby featuring Wyngarde, Chris Hardwick & Paul Williams, Tegan & Sara featuring the Lonely Island, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake, and the Muppets as we review their latest theatrical feature film, “Muppets Most Wanted”.

Alex makes an appearance in our opening segment, and we talk about his 2nd birthday party and his disdain for people who change the lyrics to songs he likes. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll come around on that issue before long. Be sure to leave us comments for this episode, as well as for Episode 100, which at the time I’m writing this only had ONE comment. WTF, y’all? So please leave us comments here, at Episode #100’s page, and on our phone hotline 916-LUKE-SKI, goddammit.

Episode length: 2:09:33

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Episode #100 – Live At MarsCon 2014

The numeric prophecy has come to pass, finally justifying my labeling our first episode as “#001”. Lunging forth through the darkness of the internet, our digital audio warhammer has smashed through the barrier separating double digits from triple digits, for after four years, four months, and twenty-six days, the fortnightly-ish podcast known as “Luke & Carrie’s Bad Rapport” has finally arrived at EPISODE 100!!!

This episode was recorded live at MarsCon 2014 as a part of the Dementia Track festivities, and features an audience made of people, our first physical evidence that our show actually has such a thing. You’ll hear many familiar voices in the crowd of this episode, as well as hearing a handful of highlights from past episodes of “LCBR”, as I have always abbreviated it.

The music for this momentus episode comes from Adam English of Ookla The Mok, Wayne & Garth, Mystery Science Theater 3000, T.J. Miller, Flat 29, The Toy Dolls, and three tracks by the great Luke Ski from his new 27-minute-long album “Because Of Bob: Luke Ski’s Kickstarter FAWM album (songs I wrote about people for money)”, which is available physically (for now) and digitally (forever) at LukeSki.bandcamp.com.

Our first episode was titled “Our Motto: Shoot For Tolerable”. So Carrie and Luke put it to you, the listener, did we succeed? Has this show been tolerable, nay, even entertaining? Or has this show devolved even further into a colossal waste of everyone’s time? After listening to this episode, please leave us a comment and let us know. Some congratulatory phone calls to 916-LUKE-SKI would be particularly welcome. No matter what you think of what this show has become, it is undenyable that it still exists, which is at least partially your fault. So take ownership of that by leaving a comment or a voice message, and we’ll see you all at #101, unless all your messages are advising us to stop.

Episode length: 1:39:59

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Episode #099 – Naked Kiddo

We didn’t have the time to make another full-fledged episode in the midst our preparations for MarsCon 2014, so Luke & Carrie make appearances at the very beginning and the very end of the episode, sandwiching a huge block of comedy music. In our beginning segment, we have a special appearance by Moonbeam of “The Pod Of Destiny” recorded at Alex’s 2nd birthday party (as well as some classic stand-up from Dana Carvey), and at the end Carrie and Luke read your comments from episodes 97 & 98.

This episode’s comedy music tracks are by Ookla The Mok, Devo Spice, TV’s Kyle, The Lonely Island, Tony Goldmark, Schaffer The Darklord, and the soundtrack of “Frozen”. Check the first comment on this episode to see a list of all the songs made in 2013 which we played on Bad Rapport, to serve as inspiration for songs you could suggest for potential nomination for the 2014 Logan Awards at the Open Nomination form page, here: http://www.loganawards.com/nomination-form This year, Luke Ski is a Juror for the Logan Awards, so let him know which funny tunes you think are Logan-Award-worthy by filling out the form today! Deadline is April 3rd.

Speaking of Comments, our next episode is EPISODE #100! We want you to ask Luke & Carrie some EPIC QUESTIONS so we can answer them when we record Episode #100 live at MarsCon 2014! So leave your questions for us as a COMMENT for this episode before Sunday March 9th at Noon CST, and we’ll answer them live in front of our studio audience! Until next time, we’ll see you on the other side of the triple-digit threshold!

Episode length: 52:35

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Episode #098 – Odd New Wave 2

I am currently trying to write at least 9 songs for February Album Writing Month, so I really don’t have the time to write up a pithy description for this episode. In it we do ‘Let’s Call Ken’ and Ken says stuff about things. Then Carrie tells us what she’s been up to, including imagining “Rocky Horror” as performed by the characters from “Thomas The Tank Engine”. She also tells some cute stories about Alex that prove that he’s developing a keen sense of taste when it comes to pre-school television.

The music in this episode is a follow up to Episode #67 where I played nothing but ‘Odd New Wave’ songs from the 80’s for no reason whatsoever. So go watch that awesome new Radio Shack Super Bowl commercial again and breakdance to these radical tracks by Styx, Devo, Art Of Noise, The Nails, Peter Schilling, Oingo Boingo, Herbie Hancock, Talking Heads, and the Stray Cats. Gnarly.

Episode Length: 1:32:40

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Episode #097 – Fuzzy Leapord-Print Burka

The first episode of 2014 brings with it the first new song by the great Luke Ski in over a year, which was released on his 40th birthday. In this episode, Luke recounts the events of his actual birthday this year, as well as the birthday party he threw the following Sunday at Gameworks and a Korean Karaoke place.

You’ll also hear the fully produced promo that Luke made for the MarsCon 2014 Dementia Track & Fund Raiser which was meant to be a part of the free preview in Episode 96.5, but whatever. The point is, the Fund Raiser is still going, so please pick up an album and/or t-shirt today. However, Luke Ski’s MarsCon Fund Rasier now faces some stiff competition from Carrie Dahlby’s Indie Gogo to fund the completion of her 3rd album “Sing All Funny Jokes”! At the very least, it’s an easy way for you to pre-order her album now, which Carrie hopes to release at MarsCon 2014. I hope you guys are well-off and generous enough to donate what you can to both fund raisers.

We also play tracks by Patton Oswalt, Big Daddy, the Beatles, ABCmouse.com, Jonathan Mann & Justin “Jew Wario” Carmical, and FAWMer TV’s Kyle. Will Luke Ski be able to create 14 songs in 28 days for February Album Writing Month? Tune into Episode 99 to find out. In the mean time, you can leave comments for *this* episode after you listen to it, because time is linear, no matter what the DS9 wormhole aliens think.

Episode length: 1:58:21

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Episode #096.5 – MarsCon 2014 Dementia Track Fund Raiser Preview

This is not a regular episode of Bad Rapport, this is a commercial for MarsCon 2014 and this year’s Dementia Track Fund Raiser 3-CD & MP3 sets, which along with the new “MarsCon Dementia Track” logo t-shirt you can purchase at MarsCon Dementia dot com.

Songs played:

* I Like (8-Bit) Pie – TV’s Kyle
* Sneaking Snacks Into The Cinema – Flat 29, with the great Luke Ski and Carrie Dahlby
* This Is What Happens When You Give Logan A Medley – The FuMP
* The Peddler, A Half-Assed Translation – Kobi LaCroix
* When You Wish Upon A Death Star – the great Luke Ski
* Best Game Ever – Mikey Mason

Episode length: 38:47

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Episode #096 – Hearing Double

The holiday season is winding down, so what better way to spend New Year’s Eve than by listening to a tinny podcast recorded on a Nexus 7 tablet rather than the high quality Zoom H2 because Luke is an idiot and forgot to bring the good recorder? If you can handle that, then you’ll be able to get caught up on what Luke & Carrie have been up to over the last month, including how they spent their respective Christmases. There’s also a couple of ignorance stories, one from Luke about his only holiday caricature gig this year, and one from Carrie about her recent trip to the dentist. And Carrie gives us her review of the new Disney full-length animated feature “Frozen”, which she saw earlier that day.

Our comedy music tracks start off with a mash-up Luke Ski edited and Chris Mezzolesta mixed, so kick in the new year with these jams by The Trashmen, Pee Wee Herman, The WWF Superstars, Elwood Blues & Wilson Pickett, Family Guy, Big Daddy, the cast of Shrek 2, the Toy Dolls, and the Cadets.

And if you haven’t done so already, please go vote in my “Fanboy Christmas Poll”! I want to know what your favorite songs and bits are from my “Fanboy Christmas” medleys, so follow this link to Mister Poll to let me know! (You have to choose “Do Not Use Safe Mode” to vote on the poll, which is dumb, but whatever.)

Thanks again for staying with us through 2013, and we look forward to bringing you more hopefully-above-tolerable episodes in 2014!

Episode length: 2:04:48

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